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About Crossbeam

  • Birthday 05/26/1990

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  1. About to quit. Been waiting a month just for my account to be verified

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noctis


      Cross, I'll discuss with this issue on PM if that's fine with you.

    3. Eirik


      Crossbeam, go to their Facebook page. I literally had the same problem, and I messaged them and Shark responded instantly and verified my account :3

    4. Crossbeam


      Name's Heruza if any staff see this

  2. "Maybe it's the curse of having two of the same letters next to each other in their name?" croSSbeam

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rusty


      Yep. Thankfully, cause I have battle healing, I might not die to a boar cause I killed the boar before it killed me.

    3. Rusty


      The guy was level 1.

    4. Zeke


      Oh yeah, it is kind of a gamble at that stage.

  3. Aaaaaand a boar killed me. Well darn. Guess it's time to wait for that painstaking validation process to finish :l

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Crossbeam


      ;l To be honest, I made this char a very long time ago. I want to make a new character. I just played on Cross since the validation takes 999 years

    3. Aeternum


      I meant three deaths.

    4. Crossbeam
  4. Back on this acc after a longggggggg time. Gotta revamp my terrible sheet >.<

  5. Crossbeam


    «Crossbeam» -Profile- » Username: Crossbeam » Real name: James Manake » Age: 26 » Gender: Male » Height: 6.2 » About: Crossbeam, or James Manake, is a simple man. He does not have a troubled past, like others. In the most part, he is normal. However, he has a few distinct traits that seperate him from the rest. When faced with a serious situation, he is humurous. Also, when James is angry or in an arguement, he will use logic and big words to confuse the opposing side. Despite his many humorous traits and his sarcasm, James is afraid of the dark when alone. James is also not ver
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