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About Asphalt

  • Birthday 01/17/2000

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  • Location
    Zonferno Kingdom
  • Interests
    swords. legendary swords. Pretty girls who love games and anime.

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  1. a royal birthday needs a royal birthday ball
  2. Asphalt

    old years

    the old years gathering
  3. going to beat the game

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daeron


      damnit zel! You took my line. I'm the most wanted here.

    3. Zelrius


      Cool, Don't care

    4. Asphalt


      well you wont get me . i am the gilded prince. i wont lose

  4. «Asphalt» Subtitle. Profile » Username: Asphalt Zonferno » Real name:Asphalt Zonferno » Age: 15 » Gender: male » Height: 5.5 » About: History/personality- Asphalt is a prince who is different from the others. He had an argument with his father about helping people. he have a sense on pride to help people and be kind to them. he is a little arrogant. he trains himself with a sword and practices everyday. he is patient and he never gives up. His guardian have taught him to be able to press on in a battle. He is loyal and trust worthy. he heard of a game that uses swords and you can lea
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