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  1. You need to validate your email address or else your account will be deleted by the end of March and flagged as a spambot.

  2. I need a take a break from playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aeternum


      Oh ... goodness. Back when I was a wee lad and still owned a GameCube, Luigi's Mansion was the bomb.

    3. Zahra


      Haha. I have it for the 3DS. It's a lot of fun. I'm stuck on the first boss though. :(

    4. ???


      Good idea, LOL

  3. And off to bed. Night everyone!

  4. A new adventure begins for Zahra as she explores her deeper feelings for a certain someone...and he's a sweetie.

    1. Rolland


      And your too cute, thats why you stole his heart. <3

  5. I miss warm weather!

    1. Rolland


      Aww im sorry hope this helps.

      *Gives her a warm hug.*

    2. Zahra


      Yep, sure does!

      *hugs back*

    3. ???


      I do too..............

  6. What the heck does it take to get to level seven?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oikawa


      the grind was so real lol

    3. Baldur


      oh my lord it really was!

    4. Kiru


      I don't know anymore tbh

  7. Finished Roleplays: » {PP-F1} A Fated Meeting (Celes, Epyon)- Complete (+1SP) » {PP-F2} Long Live the Queen, until we kill her (Celes, Epyon)- Complete (+4SP) » {SP-F1} Earning a Living by Preforming- Complete (+1SP) » {PP-F1} Secret Medicine in the Forest (Crusher)- Complete (+1SP) » {PP-F1} A Meeting of New (Rolland)- Complete (+1SP)
  8. I have a slow week!!! *cheers*

  9. I'll have posts up by tomorrow night. I'm so sorry for how slow I am this week. Hopefully it will be better after tomorrow. *sigh*

    1. Asen


      It's okay Zahra, life happens to all of us so its understandable

    2. Zahra


      Thanks, Asen! I'm going to try to get ours up tonight before bed!

    3. Asen


      alright then, and you're welcome ^_^

  10. It's the beginning of the semester and I am already jam-packed. Hopefully this is not indicative of the whole semester...

    1. Rolland


      Aww well i hope you do a good job.

    2. Zahra


      Thank you! So far so good.

  11. Today was a good day~

  12. Where could I higher level spear??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baldur


      Tyger just posted a 2 hand spear in her shop I believe

    3. Tyger


      I just crafted a 2 handed spear today, actually. Once it's accepted in the loot evals it's up for sale! I can also do comissions, if you'd prefer a Rarer one with a bit more stats.

      This is my forge. You can PM me too, if you have questions~

    4. Oikawa


      if you give me 2 hours my crafts will reset for the day and i can make you one

  13. Thank you, Mari!

    1. Mari


      Much welcomes!

  14. Who is a good GM to contact in order to get threads closed? Any suggestions?

    1. Mari


      PSTs can close threads, contact me

    2. Mari


      PSTs can close threads, contact me

    3. Zahra


      Will do. Thank you!

  15. School starts back Monday. Not sure if I should be excited or wary...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daeron


      Two Words: Snow Day

    3. Tyrius


      Kiru=Esdeath. Esdeath=Ice. Ice=Snow. Snow=No chool. Kiru will eliminate school.

    4. Kiru


      ^ The exact breakdown of Kiru.

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