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Liam Argus

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  1. streaming now everybody go watch twitch Joshsomarvelous

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Liam Argus
    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      needs to stop until some gm decides to ban you for publicity:))

    4. Alyss


      Agrees with Ariel :P,and Csgo blaaaah rather watch smite or even pokemon :)

  2. hey guys watch Joshsomarvelous on twitch tonight. he is so awesome

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Baldur


      I'm always looking for more people to play smite with :(

    3. Azide


      With a little luck, you smite be able to play with our friend Argus here.

    4. Liam Argus

      Liam Argus

      No, he is my only asian friend.

  3. lets rp

    1. Elise


      Well if you don't mind babysitting a snotty princess...

    2. Semrothz Kirigi

      Semrothz Kirigi

      I don't mind rping aswell

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel can join in as well

  4. If you want to Rp... please come up with Idea, mine are too long

  5. Return of the King!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Life


      Yup, it has been a long time.

    3. Mari


      Whassat? I should go PK Liam Argus?

      Jk JK.

  6. Hmmm. I dont understand my friend, could say that again but this time in American. Lol, but seriously what does that mean, you'll have to forgive me, it been a long time.
  7. I have a trivia crack addiction

  8. I need a love interest! How do I get one?

  9. I will require some rps would any like to Rp

    1. Chuggs


      I might be interested. Shoot me a PM

    2. Liam Argus
  10. "As for life... Tell it I will not bow and will not falter. Until it's sibling death comes for me. Even then I will not fall, I shall fall to the only power... God"

  11. Hey trying to get it the swing of things.... Let's Rp someone ... any one please

  12. Unyielding, why you no post in topic?

  13. Who would like to RP?!

    1. Azureth


      *Raises hand*

      I would like to relieve the great pain of SP

    2. Liam Argus

      Liam Argus

      Alright, can you set it up.

  14. Up for some more rping!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Liam Argus

      Liam Argus

      Wow I'm glad I could so entertaining for you guys.

    3. Moartea


      I have literally no one posting in my topics and I need a RP buddy, I hate doing SP missions. I will literally go all Derp just Rping by myself.

    4. Mari


      I hate sp topics too

  15. Any one wish to RP with a noobie!

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