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About Sol

  • Birthday 07/26/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gaming somewhere.
  • Interests
    Games, Anime, everything related to the sort.

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  1. Stressed.

    1. Brayden


      Stressed. :(

    2. Sousuke


      hope ure ok man

    3. Kiru


      Same. I've got a lot of things going on.

  2. [6392] BD = 7; 5+2 / MD = 1 Sol continues to target the one ogre that has yet to take damage. As he prepares an attack, the Ogre roars at Sol, swinging his spiked club wildly around himself and swinging it down at Sol. Sol retaliates and strikes the spiked club, hitting the club with a solid strike, parrying the strike and sending the club backwards and throwing the ogre off balance. Sol Takes this chance and strikes once again, using his momentum to impale the Ogre with a confirmed hit, pulling his blade out and leaping a few steps back to ready for another assault. [sol strikes the 5t
  3. Sol rushed from the teleport gates the moment his teleport ended. He swiped down his menu and looked at an area map and located his friends. "...They're here..." Sol dismissed the menu and dashed towards the incoming battle. Once rushing through countless NPCs and Various players that happened to be in the safe zone he saw a battle before him right outside the gates to the town. Along with his closest friends. "...huh... Bigger than I expected." Sol readied his spear and dashed into the frey, charging straight into the middle of the orges still rushing in. "I have to prove something to myself.
  4. Its been brought to my attention that I am a lot sicker than I thought I was. Visiting ER soon.

    1. Life


      Oh nos! I hope you get better D:

    2. Pyro


      Feel better soon, Sol! What shall we do with you?

  5. Sol handed over the materials through the trade and spoke. "Amazing, can't wait to see them." Sol waited around the shop for Kosan to finish the gear he ordered. eyeballing many of the supposed free gear, "Interesting but not quite my style." after a little while he turned to hear the voice of Kosan saying that it was finished. "Wow, very prompt! I like that." Sol picks up the gear and puts it away in his inventory. "Love the names too. You did a phenomenal job Kosan. I will be seeing you again in the future." He nodded as he turned around and began to leave the shop. "Thank you and have a
  6. Sol nodded, "Yes Sir, I'd like to have customized gear if at all possible. Ten materials for two perfect you say? Sounds like a deal Mr... uhm... Kosan" Sol looked up to see his name above him in time to not really seem like an idiot. "I'd like some armor specialized in offense first and accuracy second if at all possible, and the weapon to be strictly damage output. I wield one of these." Sol draws out his Two-handed assault spear and shows it off. "Its not the greatest but it has saved me plenty of times, and figured I could use an upgrade ya know? And if you're able to custom name items, I'
  7. Sol enters the Smith's shop and blinks. "Hello?" He asked as he continued to peer around. "I'd like to purchase a weapon, and possibly some light armor to improve my offensive abilities." Sol smiles at the Smith owner and pulls down his menu. "How much would two perfects be?"
  8. Starting Skype Call, Message me if you want to chat! Skype is [ chrono072689 ]

  9. So, going out to pick up some stuff from the store, When I get Back! Who wants to Skype call? I'll probably stream some sort of game.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. claim


      I have yet to play but when I do -.-

    3. Kosan


      Let's plaayyyyy

      Add me in ! Actually , who is on skype leave a message NOW !

    4. Sol


      I will show off one of my exotic birds here in a bit. If anyone is interested. (Exotic bird = Parrot) She talks.

  10. Ha Claim! You really look the same, no matter how many years pass bro. XD! We need to hang out again sometime soon, also thanks for introducing me to this site. All of these people are nice and completely awesome. Hello Peeps. Here is me. And me again with an exotic bird.
  11. I'm the Hero of Rhyme! (I said the hero of time...) That's right! The Hero of Rhyme

    1. Sol


      Love me some Starbomb.

  12. Insanity pursues those on the brink of those caving in.

    1. Sousuke


      its takes those who offer up their minds

    2. claim


      now offer up you mind and drink this cup of blood and become Dracula

    3. Tyrius
  13. Sh** is about to hit the fan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sol


      My Solo thread may hit the fan. XD

    3. Liam Argus
    4. Destiny



  14. Ugh... Trying to iron out details for a solo quest is a bit hard...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sol


      I know that much. Its this quest. «Calming the Soul»

    3. Sol


      Its gonna be a fun one, heavy character development.

    4. claim


      will you fall to the dark side * Insert Darth Vader voice* <.< sorry had to

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