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Everything posted by Amira

  1. I have a question about Feeding The Enemy. Can more than one person get a familiar in the same thread?

  2. Looking for someone to do my Grandmastering thread with. Preferrably someone acquainted with Manta. (Im just terrible with solo threads)

    1. Zelrius


      I'd be willing to do so if it is no problem with you

      I'd be willing to do so if it is no problem with you

    2. Amira


      I think I might just do it Solo. It'll go faster that way.

      I think I might just do it Solo. It'll go faster that way.

  3. 1 more SP... How does grandmastering work by the way? I know you need a thread where you talk about your progression or something, but what are the rules for that thread? Can others join in? And do all twenty required posts have to be yours if someone else joins in?

    1. Takao


      You can reflect on your progress, fight some strong monster, or really do anything that just details your progression with mastering the weapon. Others can join in too, so all the posts don't have to be your own.

    2. Amira


      Thank you. Now I just need to find someone to do it with...

  4. .... I have missed this rock 12 times in this thread. And I have accuracy enhancements.

    1. Takao


      rocks are very evasive. did you know that the pioneers used to ride them for miles?

    2. Amira


      It is a painful experience. But I feel better knowing that someone else has realized how hard rocks are to hit. XD

    3. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      There was that time I rolled 3 nat 1s in a row...

  5. And I finally understand Holy and Fallen damage.....

    1. Amira


      I most definitely appreciate that. :D (More unique enhancements will be added later, right? Or have they all been uncovered already)

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      More are to be found. I just don't want to spoil the surprise!

    3. Amira


      Please don't. :D I just wanted to make sure there are more.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. Is that the end of the boss fight? O_o ...

    1. Amira


      That was my next question Takao. :P (About If there was a last hit bonus)

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      highest dmg....last hit.....most HP healing done....most damage blocked. I thinks those are the bonuses

    3. Amira


      I hope someone gets an extra rapier they don't want. (Of course that would go to you first if you don't have a unique already)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Im starting to think that I might be a bit unprepared fir this boss fight. That -2 EVA is going to be a killer, as well as the +5 energy cost...

    1. Takao


      Tristan and Calrex have hate, so you shouldn't have to worry about the evasion too much. The energy cost will probably hurt a bit though.

    2. Amira


      I think ill take advantage of my charge skill and do my best attack first.

  8. Whats the difference beween Holy Damage and regular damage?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Zelrius


      We are waiting on yourself and Ebony to post if your migraine has died down.

    3. Amira


      Yeah. I woke up about an hour ago and it was gone. :D I'll post in a bit.

    4. Zelrius


      Glad your better :D and Sounds good.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  9. Im looking to do some threads. Anyone up for fighting a player made boss with extremely high health and moderately low damage? Or just a social thread for SP.

  10. I'll be joining this boss fight if you'll have me.
  11. Is the boss fight still open for sign ups? I think im ready to join in the front lines.

    1. Amira


      Im a level 19. Do you think that's high enough? @Zelrius

    2. Zelrius


      Yes it is, Welcome to the Frontlines!

    3. Ace9


      XD Great job Manta

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. I was just wondering how you get unique skills? I know there's an information broker, does that have something to do with it?

    1. Zelrius


      I am willing to Lend you the col, Though Whether I do that for free or not is a topic I will debate myself. Just depends on what you have to offer, or if it would benefit the frontlines.

    2. Amira


      I'm already heading for the frontlines. Just a few more levels and a bit more grinding.

      Also, It's nice to hear that you'd be willing to do that, but i'm going to get there under my own power and get stronger on the way. XD I just have more fun working for these things instead of having them given to me.

    3. Zelrius


      Fair enough and best of luck.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. I cant get to profiles for some reason. :(

    1. Koumori


      It's okay I know you really want to look at my profile ;)

      It's okay I know you really want to look at my profile ;)

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      A update for the site should be available tomorrow and admins that arent Erron can now from the site update the site too, so dont rely on him. https://community.invisionpower.com/release-notes/

      A update for the site should be available tomorrow and admins that arent Erron can now from the site update the site too, so dont rely on him. https://community.invisionpower.com/release-notes/

    3. Hikoru


      Ditto, and something is up with commenting on stuff, either it be threads or comments like this

      Ditto, and something is up with commenting on stuff, either it be threads or comments like this

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Amira

    Happy Birthday Pyro! :D

  15. I just epic failed. I tried to open a headphone box and had to get out the scissors. I then stabbed myself in the hand with them, ignored it and got the box open, and then left to take care of my hand.  By the time I was done with that id forgotten where id put the headphones.

    Its been long, interesting day.

    1. Koumori


      You seem to have a lot of interesting problems haha. I should consider myself lucky. 

    2. Amira


      I dont normally have all these problems... XD

    3. Macradon
  16. Im really bored atm... Anyone up for a thread?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zelrius


      If you really cannot think of anything, I will start it.

    3. Amira


      I can come up with something, but id rather wait till tommorow. Im on mobile till then, and I dont like starting threads on my phone.

    4. Zelrius


      That is fine. I will wait.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  17. Is there any way to have more than 3 non-vanity items equipped?

    1. Azide


      As far as the latest set of rule, no.


    2. Kalesh



      There might be a way around it with a unique skill of some kind, but as things are now, no.

    3. Amira


      I didn't think so, but I thought that I might as well ask. Danka you two.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. Thanks to Koumori, I know why people wear engagement rings. XD

    1. Koumori


      Hilarious if ya ask me XD

    2. Blue


      Man. This brings back memories to when I used Golden as my main account.... All those memories of the silver moon guild.... and Thorrissia. Lol those times are gone... 

    3. Koumori


      I'm sorry for your loss :(

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. *sighs happily* This is the most entertaining thread I've done yet, in my 3 years of roleplaying.

    1. Amira


      I remember back when all I did for rps was combat based threads. I had no idea how much I was missing out on. ;)

      And yes, of course im talking about our thread.

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      It is rather hilarious to read.

    3. Koumori


      Haha I told you that's where all the fun was! XD :D ;) :)

      Youre reading it Tristan lol?

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. Im looking to buy a perfect Rapier... Does anyone have one for sale, or is up for crafting one for me? (I can pay in col)

    1. Helios


      Aren't you buying one from Teion?

    2. Amira


      I decided to hold off on that.

      Also, I attempted to edit my post and it went a bit crazy.

    3. Helios
  21. I have a Crafters Respite potion on sale in my shop. Only 5 mats instead of seven.

    1. Ssendom
    2. Ssendom


      I posted in your shop already.

    3. Amira


      Ill get to the post in my shop in a few hours.  Im a bit busy IRL at the moment.

  22. Rolled a perfect in my shop! After about 20 minutes of indecision I finally decided on the enhancement. :D

    1. Amira


      Oh yeah... I need to change that. Im accepting both mats and col now, but I cant edit my shop from my laptop.

      Thanks for reminding me Teayre

    2. Teayre


      Wait until you can make 8 mats a day xD

    3. Amira


      ... I already have trouble getting the 3 materials i can use a day...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  23. How much equipment can a player have equipped?

    1. Amira


      See, thats why I ask these things here. Thats a great idea. So good items dont count in that 3?

      Thanks Tristan and Kalesh. 

    2. Tristan Delaney
    3. Kalesh


      Oh, sorry if I was unclear. To me "good" and "vanity" were interchangeable, sorry!

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  24. You know your doing something wrong when your overjoyed to get a 74/100. I was sitting in my desk, dejected look on my face, because I knew that I had failed. And then it turned out I hadn't. :D

    1. Kalesh


      That's an awesome feeling xD In tech class I once thought I had failed a test, so being a jokester I asked my teacher "How bad did I fail?" while picking up my test and he looked at my like I was crazy and said "You fail my class?"

      That was a nice day :)

  25. Anyone willing to sell some mats? I can pay col for them.

    1. Zelrius


      I am willing to make a deal: You and I can do a grinding thread, in which You can keep all the Mat gains from monsters killed and I keep the col. I mainly suggest this because while I grind by myself, Solos suck ass

    2. Amira


      You can say that again. (About SPs) Im already in two mat gathering threads though, and if I do any more ill probably lose track. Thank you for the offer Zelrius, maybe when I finish one of those two.

    3. Zelrius


      That's fine, I understand. If you're ever interested just shoot me a message.

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