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  1. Oi, can I have more than 3 virtues and flaws? I know it's a 1:1 ratio.

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      you can have a min of 3 3... then you can add more to each category as your char evolves. just look at Kiru's journal, she has a ****load of flaws and few virtues:D

    2. Calrex


      I believe 3 is just the minimum. You can have more if you choose to do so.

    3. Kiru


      @Raeyliff, it's true. If you look at my journal you'll see I have more than 2 times the amount of flaws than I do virtues.

  2. Changed profile pic once more. Didn't know my previous one came from a weird anime...sorry about that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raeyliff


      Well I actually thought it was an action anime and then after you brought it up I looked up the anime and then I found out. Otherwise I wouldn't have realized it, to be honest. XD Well, Duke Devlin is still cool.

    3. Calrex
    4. Rolland


      Duke Devlin from Yugioh.. been awhile since I seen that cartoon.

  3. Square one disbanded...

  4. It's going to be a while before I come back on here. But when I do, this character will not be the same one as now.

  5. Can't decide on new flaws for this character. I want to remake him a little before I rp, sorry Rusteh XD. Can anyone give me some advice?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kiru


      Just look at my flaws, there are plenty you can copy lol

    3. Rusty


      Is a flaw a flaw if its flaws while being a flaw?

    4. Kiru
  6. Ladies and gentlemen all those who had an RP with me that we didn't complete with it being me turn, let me know. Anyone else who wants to RP can let me know as well, I want to meet some new people and stuff. XD

    1. Rusty


      I will like to participate in rpeh, plis.

    2. Raeyliff


      I will rpeh with you in a second, Rusteh, I just need to get stuff done realleh quickleh.

    3. Draterion
  7. It's been a while. But I am back. XD

    1. Life


      Eyy, welcome back xD

    2. Zeri


      Hola mi amigo

    3. Calrex


      Welcome back buddy! XD

  8. Back for only a couple of hours. Had no idea that I'd be able to return, but if I can return, then I will usually return. Right now, however, I'm so clueless to the point that I do not even know where to begin or what to really do...

    1. Calrex


      What are you clueless on? O_O

    2. Oikawa


      Read up on Prey and get to typin mate !

    3. Baldur


      Unfortunately there won't be a hunting the upper floors part 3 :(

  9. Announcement: I'll be off for a very, VERY long time. I'm extremely sorry for the inconveniences, I know that this is all of a sudden and that I have some threads I need to be part of, but this came all of a sudden and I don't know when I'll be back. I extremely apologize to you all. :(

    1. Azide


      Hope everything's okay, Raeyliff!

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      don't sweat it..in anticipation of this I started/finished the same quest we started with Oikawa & Co. Deal with the stuff IRL and come back.

    3. Kiru


      It's okay, I can rant in the OCC section about Tokyo Ghoul when you aren't here. *sob*

  10. And so a Grand Prophecy has been written on the walls of SAO's caves that Raeyliff shall never reach level 8 no matter what he does. XD

    1. Azide


      You can do it, Raeyliff! Just keep chipping away at it!

    2. Helios


      Will pyres work for this too?

    3. Calrex


      Lets find out. *starts building another pyre*

  11. No. Don't create a Tokyo Ghoul :Re anime yet. Go back to Root A and fix that bad ending. Go back now. D"X

  12. Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 12: Just...just no. That ending was bad, and they should feel bad. Waited the entire episode for Arima vs. Kaneki just so that it brings them both face to face with no real fighting going on. 10/10 would ghoul again.

    1. Kiru


      I think they could've ended it a LOT better. I cried so much from the death of a certain person..

    2. Rusty


      That certain person's death could have been made missing so nobody would know if they are alive or not.. Why? Now I'm sad. I'll go in my bed and be sad

  13. Redownloading Skyrim, Tokyo Ghoul Root A finished DX

  14. Team Ghoul or Team CCG?

  15. I'm wondering how cool it would be if someone said something like "I'm not in danger, [insert Name Here], I AM the danger."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raeyliff


      *HIGH FIVE* Now let's go cook. XD

    3. Azide


      *High fives* Better call Saul!

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      That series is enxt on my list after I finish The walking dead:D

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