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Everything posted by Teayre

  1. Well from this it reminds me about something Tristan Delaney, Remember that duel of ours? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      There's thorns too.

    3. Hirru


      Okay.. let me put it this way.

      Depending on the weapon that Darkness Blade uses, Zero would have a multitude of sword arts to go with.

      Now, lets look at Regen and Battle Healing:

      BH = Heal (4xX) % after 10+ CD
      RGN = Heal X (2 x number of slots) after 6 CD, and only after enemy hits.

      Let's say, Opal was Lvl 25 which has 100 HP.

      BH at each level would heal 4/8/12/16/20 hp
      RGN at each slot would heal 2/4/6 hp

      Zero can probably go well above all that damage.  To defeat him, would mean believing in Cardinal-chan.

    4. Opal


      Thats pretty simple then. All you need to do is take his sword away! XP

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  2. A small cart caught Teayre’s eye, she had recently signed up for the boss fight and made her way over to it. Waving a Zandra she gave a small smile. “Hey, how’s the trinket doing for you?” Looking through the list that was on the cart Teayre fills out a small sheet of paper before sliding it across the top to Zandra. “I’ll pay you for all of them, that way if I die at least you’re not put out of pocket.” Opening her inventory Teayre materialises one thousand two hundred col and hands it to Zandra. "Keep safe okay and pm me when they're ready for collection." -1200 Col
  3. How many ways can I punch a rock to death?

    1. Teayre


      Lols, It's easy saying it quickly but writing 25 different ways doing a minimum of 100 words per post... *becomes brain dead*

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      With bad puns like Mari.

    3. Teayre
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  4. So I spawn 3 bandits and in the same turn I spawn them I one shot them all.... I even buffed their Health to give me loots.... OOOOOH LOOTS!

    1. Jomei
    2. Macradon


      I know the feeling ... spawned 5 wasps ... one shot 3 of them on the first turn ...

    3. Teayre


      Dunno I just raise the dead

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  5. How many posts is it now to get an SP/col just to double check as it still says 20+ in tutorial but due to site change over that doesn't actually get you a page of RPs 

    1. Hirru
    2. Kalesh


      Technically it's like 25 to get a second page but it's considered 20 as far as completion goes :P

    3. Alex


      Yes, it is 20, I had a chat with some staff about it awhile back

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  6. Right I'm off to do some studying for my exam in 10 hours.... See you later peoples.

  7. Love you all my beautiful SAO people's and I bid you good night :3 I should be around in a few hours though.... With any luck. Also would anyone like to start an  Rp with me at all?

  8. Had a really busy day sorting out jobs and stuff guys. I'll reply to my shop tomorrow promise <3

  9. Head off to get beaten up... See you in a few hours peoples <3

    1. Kalesh


      Seeya! Best of luck!~

  10. The Amethyst Boutique is taking orders again. Please pop your head into my shop (somewhere in the shop section or through a link in my journal) and place an order if you'd like Teayre to craft you something.

    1. Teayre
    2. Calrex
    3. Teayre


      Go reply to our Rps *points and cracks whip* xD I'm gonna go kill things on Skyrim as I'm up together with things atm.... See you all in a couple of hours <3

  11. So got an excel spreadsheet up and running to spend my SPs on :D

    1. Teayre


      Hehe, I'm just lazy xD

    2. Koumori


      Spreadsheets? I was just gonna pick stuff and put it in my journal haha

    3. Teayre


      Hehe, It saves me doing the calculations constantly I can just go what about this and what about that and bobs your uncle xD

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. Feels great to be back and Rping :D Missed you all <3

  13. Gotta sort all my links in my journal out :( On the plus side. I'm back more or less now guys *Cheers and starts the dancing* I won't be starting any new RPs till I've caught up with all my old ones though :)

    1. Calrex
    2. Takao
    3. Kalesh


      Welcome back, person I have never met in my iife!

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  14. Dangit Fairy Tail.... Those feels.... THOSE FEELS!

  15. Loving this fight with you Trist <3 Wooo for the brits!

  16. *begins replying* sorry it's taken me so long guys <3

    1. Calrex


      It's ok, just glad you're back! :)

    2. Kiru


      that's alright!!

  17. I'm back from my event guys *falls on floor sleepy* I'll try and get a couple of replies done tonight <3

    1. Calrex


      Welcome back! XD

  18. Hugo Loftus... Your Journal.... It makes me jealous and happy... STOP CONFUSING ME!

  19. Heya guys, over the next couple of weeks I've got a load of work and uni stuff to do so I'm probably going to be so inactive. If I'm in an RP with you please feel free to skip me etc @Zel I'll drop out of the tournie as well so someone can take my place.

    1. Kiru


      :') I'll miss you, sorry we didn't get to fight!

    2. Teayre


      Can always do it another time :)

    3. Calrex


      Rock it! XD

  20. Sorry I'm not active tonight, uni stuffs have knackered me out :(

    1. Zelrius


      You have two hours

    2. Calrex


      No worries! XD Get some rest!

  21. *Thinks about beautiful people SAORPG site comes to mind.* So Rp times!

    1. Yami


      *Thinks about awful people..

      SAORPG doesn't come to mind*

    2. Kiru


      *flips hair* Of course you think of moi! (Awww You're so sweet to think of saorpg lolololo)

    3. Calrex
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  22. Reply time! Let's do this *dons thinking cap* Coincidentally anyone want to start an RP with moi?

    1. Golden


      It's fine lol

    2. Calrex


      Another one? XD

    3. Teayre


      Hush you... Actually Cal we need to start planning -that- thread and writing up the start of it....

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  23. in a bit I will get all my replies done =)

  24. What is it with people... I have a coffee table not a counter in ma shop QQ

    1. Calrex


      XD it transforms!

    2. Golden


      Oops sorry, I'll change that... XD

    3. Teayre


      Don't worry you're not the first one. There's a whole bit I did on the first post detailing my shop so it just a pet peeve when people don't read it <3

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