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Everything posted by Oske

  1. Good morning, all! It seems another day has come to cry over the ending of an anime that wasn't even sad.

    1. Calrex


      Which anime is this?

  2. Oske

    Cidney the Shy

    Approved Welcome to Aincrad!
  3. Whew! First day of my new job. My feet hurt from constantly walking around really fast... kitchen work will do that to ya.

    1. Azide


      So you're a rank five?

    2. Niklaus


      haha i see what you did there.

    3. Skylar


      Good one Azide.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  4. Aaaand my solo quest is over. :(

    1. ???


      Why is it so sad?

    2. Oske


      Now I just have two PPs I'm waiting for replies on XD

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Why not start new ones:D meeting new people*wink wink*

  5. Gah... the only roleplay I can reply to right now is a SP. Sad face.

    1. Oske


      Aww, thanks Tyger <3 (I was actually poking at Mari with this update lol)

    2. Tyger


      Oikawa, at Oske :P Waiting on Baldur-butt who's locked into Banner Saga

    3. Azide


      Does Oske rhyme with Broskii?

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  6. Our fluffy pink Mari made an announcement. Be sure to check it out!

  7. *makes journal just a bit prettier and adds a little more info to it*

    1. Azide


      *Takes a picture*

  8. I made toffee again... I swear... It was here five seconds ago *burp*

    1. Rolland


      The toffee fairy took it, lol.

  9. In the future, please PM me questions rather than asking them in status updates. Thanks guys <3

  10. Remember that you can only craft items based on your current rank, so a rank 1 cook can't create a feast for example.

    1. Alyss


      And a Mentor Cook can craft 7 items aday, and make all the feasts they want, but no one wants them since they cant be used for crap yet.

    2. Torunn


      Can you have multiple Craft bonuses equipped?, like a Ring Suit and maybe some tool ? all with same bonus

    3. Oske


      +1 CD cannot be stacked. You can only have one +1 CD item.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  11. To those that I owe art--I apologize for the wait, I'm working on GM stuff. I haven't even drawn anything for myself.

  12. Why does everyone's journal look so pretty except mine... *needs to draw commissions before working on her own journal art*

    1. Mari


      I want to work on my own Journal some more to be honest

    2. Rolland


      Mines not pretty, I just have fancy letter ;-;

  13. I apologize again for the delay on the enhancement guide. It'll be out soon, vacation is almost over...

    1. Niklaus


      I hope so because I'd hate to be limited to something that people rarely use. Especially since Blacksmith and Tailor can add the same CD/LD/EXP enhancements that Artisans can.

    2. Mari
    3. Niklaus


      Noted, as for now though my question still remains unanswered.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  14. Until the new enhancement guide is out, please use the old enhancements in your crafts. Thank you :)

    1. Torunn


      New stuff is always fun :)

    2. Baldur


      Oske you tease!

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I hope we get job specific enhancements..that would be so awesome!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. It's been over 7 hours since I last ate food. *internal screaming*

    1. Kiru


      omg same! *dies*

  16. Limited internet, everybody. I’ll be on tomorrow though.

  17. "Pepper" and I are on vacation, so we'll be a little slow :P

  18. I see Ren online! No way!

  19. 14 hour car ride. Be back soon.

  20. Hey everybody, so I know there's other tailors in Aincrad, but we're all different! Order from Pepper and you get a custom drawing of your outfit!

    1. Him


      Ah, interesting. However, was this posted as intended?

    2. Oske


      Not quite sure what you mean.

    3. Baldur


      I'm not sure what he means either, Oske. But I might take you up on that! :D

  21. ((The topic got approved, but I guess I have to post here as well. Approved. Please put dice rolls in next time.
  22. If you guys have any questions about the new professions guides, PM me rather than asking them in status updates <3

  23. I hope you all were prepared. The new profession guides and quest are up.

    1. Oske


      Yep, those items are just suggestions

    2. XWuZHeAR


      Wait how can monsters have a -1 BD? Because for the attraction to happen they need a -1 but I thought nothing could Change a natural roll of 1

    3. Baldur


      X, it means they have have -1 to whatever they roll.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  24. Prepare yourselves.

  25. Well... might as well. Selfie with Ranpu: Winter Ball with Ranpu:
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