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Akane - The Red

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  1. Hey there, it's me, Akane. Ready to play this deadly death game.

    1. Akane - The Red

      Akane - The Red

      B for bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

    2. London
  2. Ok, so since Team Readhead is a thing, once we have some more players and higher levels for ourselves, we will start a guild! *cries at the thought*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akane - The Red

      Akane - The Red

      We know. That's what the higher level thing was about at the top...

    3. Sir Alonne

      Sir Alonne

      Me? Well... I guess I should start a posting.

    4. Aedan


      I support this idea.

      Second-in-command position already filled.

      (2nd-in-command Aedan sounds fab AF)

  3. No matter how many times I read over it, materials still make no sense. Now I am going to look at RPs where people gather materials, and see if that does me any good.

  4. So, coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs eh?

    1. Kiru


      Ah, I feel bad but Kiru will just brush off the Pm. XD

  5. Oh boy, a Christmas party! I have a feeling that Arekkusu and Kiru have some serious problems with each other though.

  6. Username: Akane Real Name: Samael Rolland Age: 14 Gender: Male Height: 5' 8" History: Born in the heart of Tokyo, Samael was raised by his aunt and uncle and lived a pretty normal life. He was rather popular at his school, and made a lot of good friends. He didn't ever really feel concerned about money because his mother, who died giving birth to him, had passed down enough money for him to make his way in life. When SAO was released, Samael was highly intrigued. He used some of his inherited money to buy NerveGear and a copy of SAO. Virtues: -Courageous: Samael, while
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