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  1. Doth my ears deceive me? Chatter amongst the peasants about roleplaying, but none hath yet to contact Him? How appalling.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bell


      well, him, im sure your a nice guy, ill be leaving now. maybe we'll meet again

    3. Him


      Serendipitous. I look forwards to a promising and fruitful future.

    4. Lumiel


      "Holy high Hell! It speaks! I wonder what other phrases it says if I pull at its string?" 

  2. "The rose is red, the violet's blue, The honey's sweet, and so are you. Thou art my love and I am thine; I drew thee to my Valentine: The lot was cast and then I drew, And Fortune said it shou'd be you." - The original "Roses are Red" for your enjoyment.

  3. I feel quite indecisive. I desire the prospect of market involving Alchemy, yet I find the amusement of being a Performer far more endearing. Who wouldn't enjoy being serenaded by Him?

  4. You never truly know when you've seen the last of Him. He's always there, that fragment within your soul. There is no escape.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kosan


      No , mayonesse is a gender..

    3. Crozeph


      I thought mayonnaise was an animal

    4. Kosan


      Mayonesse is a person ! Or no.. Its a date ! You can date mayonesse..

  5. Oh, it seems like Cupid is all the rage this month. Perhaps we should talk about Him.

    1. Raeyliff


      Him you're back!

    2. Kosan


      Hiiim , I missed you man ! I am Bored !

  6. I am still in desire of a tailor, any takers?

  7. Seeking the aid of a tailor, willing to pay in thine choice of materials or Col.

  8. Yes, he has arrived. Whom might you ask? Him.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Him Who? Whos Him? Hym? Forget who and get Him! Hym? -Ryan Higa (Or something like that)

    3. Zeke


      That lobster thing from Power Puff Girls?

    4. Pyro


      Looks like Splendorman to me. #Fa-bu-lus

  9. General Info » Username: Him » Gender: Male » Age: 34 » Height: 6'1" » Profession: N/A » Shop: N/A » About: So you want to talk about Him, do you? He is a rather interesting and mysterious individual after all, who wouldn't want to talk about him? Him is a man that used to go by a multitude of aliases, typically never using the same name twice throughout his time. He was a mere peasant that could do nothing more than spit at the royalty that stood above him, tearing his life into shreds as they laughed, watching it all fall apart like a theatre performance. It wasn't until he
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