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  1. well this is a nice change, seems while I was gone, the site decided to undergo a extreme look overhaul. Well I like it, looks very smooth and professional theme.

    1. Thorrissia


      They realised I was arriving and decided to pimp it out. 

    2. Legion


      Oh is that so? Well then I should feel extremely grateful you came along, so thank very much pal.

    3. Thorrissia


      You are most welcome. :p 

  2. Sleepy time for me all... nyte. *Passes out.* ZZZ

    1. Miriko


      Goodnight :)

  3. Holy crap Warhammer 40k, has a new piece. A Neurothrope, Spirit Leech, this thing is powerful!

  4. Im going to be in ALO from now on, anyone wish to join a Spriggan on his journey to be the best huntsman in the world of ALO?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legion


      You don't need to have your SAO character be in ALO, I am using Markus Corvaine as mine, as I to don't know if Legion will survive SAO.

    3. Lucifer


      Well, besides becoming a PKer or fighting something well over your ability (such as boss fights or difficult quests), then there is no reason to be worried. It's pretty hard to die if you're mindful.

    4. Kiru


      Welp, based on these responses, I'm already dead lolol

  5. Who here will make me a weapon, armor and necklace for free if I bring them the materials needed for the crafts? Please put your name here and the Profession you are so I can write you down.

  6. Bed, nite all.

  7. Any Alchemist here wish to aid me in my Profession quest??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Legion


      Only one of use gains the profession.

    3. Legion


      I will have the post edited soon Clarence, I'll pm you the link after it is complete.

    4. Clarence


      I already have it :P

  8. Going to bed, night all.

    1. Clarence


      For when you pop on the site, I posted

  9. Mari won't kill Legion will she? And if he is at a kind distance like Clarence, him approaching causal like, then Legion is fine? Right Mari?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Legion


      Give me a few good reasons. And I may take them into account.

    3. Legion


      Good point, well I changed it.

    4. Mari


      On the site if you die in SÃO I think you can still rp in the other areas. Not 100% on that one though

  10. Finished with my Journal, need approval now. Took me... 30 minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Legion


      I like the stabby stabby.

    3. Legion


      Mari, since you and Clarence are in a Topic, and he wants to RP wit me, and you like the stabby stabby like me and him, care for me to come on iiinnnn to your topic?

    4. Mari


      Mari is NOT a nice person mind you; but if you want. Clarence is ok with it too, but wait for me to respond to it first then jump in

  11. «Legion» The Dark Wanderer Profile » Username:Legion » Real name: Kioshi Kuo Valentine » Age: 28 » Gender: Male » Height: 76 in. (6'4") ~Noticeable Difference (Appearance)~ The first thing people notice about Legion is the fact that he had two different eye colors, he was born with Heterochromia, a rare genetic disorder, Heterochromia is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment). It may be inherited, or caused by genetic mosaicism, chimerism, disease, or injury. He is a tall, slender, and yet muscular young man, who has Jet black mid-length colored ha
  12. Greetings all, I am Legion.

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