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About Wynter

  • Birthday 12/21/1999

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  1. I just posted a new roleplay...the title was so cheesy. Anyone want to join?

    1. Wynter


      Well I was assuming you didn't want me to considering my age or I wouldve

    2. Malakath Grimm

      Malakath Grimm

      I'm still waiting for the quest we have going Wynter XD but I posted in it

    3. dragonslayrq
  2. I always feel really nervous or intimidated to ask higher level players to roleplay. 😳😔

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rolland


      ... Well... I have no problem Rping with you Wynter, I would be happy to help level you up some. Just send me a PM and we can talk about the theme of the topic.

    3. Kiru


      -Dodges all swaggy like Tsukiyama and bites Crozeph in the back- Whaaaaaat, no I'm not biting him.

    4. Kosan


      Stop the biting! *Kosan bites everyone and with his mouth full of meat says* Its not healthy !

  3. Does anyone wanna rp? I'm dying of boredom. ;-;

  4. Wynter stared at Sousuke. He was hurt and she didn't like it. She got up and ran to him on instinct, she wouldn't let another person get hurt, she promised herself that long ago. Without hesitation she dragged him out of range of the ongoing fight and searched through her inventory for something- anything, that could help at this point.
  5. His words stabbed through me like knives. I was hesitant at first but I promised myself that I would jump in if it was necessary. As for now, I needed to stay back. I turned and ran to a giant block of ice and sat up against it, watching closely.
  6. At her friends warning she stopped running. "What? No! I want to help!" Her stubborn personality and determination definitely put her in danger time and time again but they was she looks at it, if she's made it this far, she can take this battle on. She pulls her sword out and starts walking towards him.
  7. Wynter walks about floor 4 boredly looking for something to do. She just finished off a smaller monster when she heard shouting. She grabbed her loot and started walking towards the shouting slowly, getting her sword ready in case of any monsters or PKs. She turns a corner of ice and sees some players that she knows and one she didn't fighting a giant monster. "Arek! Sousuke!" She yells the name of her friends and runs towards the battle.
  8. Wynter


    Username: Wynter Real name: Wynter Kane Age: 15 Gender: female Height: 5'1 About: Wynter has always been a big gamer. She played multiple mmorpgs so when she heard about the releasing of SAO she was thrilled and knew she had to get it. So despite her not having a lot of money to spend freely she started to save up. Month after month after month of saving and she got just enough money. So she waited until the release date and rushed to the nearest gaming store to purchase the nerve gear. As soon as the game launched she started. Upon finding out about the log out button or lack thereof
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