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About Baldur

  • Title
    The Gaijin Samurai
  • Birthday 12/14/1984

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  • Guild Name
    Jacob's Ladder

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  1. Event Brainstorming!

    What kind of events would you like to see in SAO-RPG to really liven this place up, and try to break out of some of the routine we've built up? We've got the quarterly boss fights, but I'm looking for some new ideas, or something you've seen that was really cool and hasn't been repeated!

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    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      @Hirru yup, I still have the mechanics for the fencing tournament somewhere around. Last time I didn't do it because just a couple of people we're on board with the idea. For those interested on how it works I'll look for the thread and link it here on a later reply.

      Basically it still depended on rolls but instead of damage you gained point by hitting a certain body part.. the first to reach X amount of points wins the 'duel'.

      Though it is still dice dependant, people can't one shot each other. Example: the duel I had with Cal to test the mechanics we were almost even in score despite him having higher... almost everything except damage.

    3. Seul




      Maybe modify the system to allow two handed weapons though while keeping it point based? >0>

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yeah that one. People didn't get it that one can use any kind of item (weapons in this case) in the game. The only downfall was that you didn't get to use the weapon's SAs if you didn't invest in the skill. In this case native 1 handed users had a +2 points advantage but basically everybody could join as damage is irrelevant in this 'duel' style.

      I'm open to ideas in how to improve the fencing concept:D

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