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About lightfiyr

  • Birthday 09/17/1997

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  1. sooo yeah her but blonde....yes it the emerald herald from DS2 i just really like her design plus it's what i'm going for with arai and for asuna do i even need to put i pic?
  2. yeah...that was rage all right he's over there aria said pointing to the shadow that he was hiding in anyway Jenny was it? Aira stuck her hand out i'm aria
  3. Aria felt a chill go down her spine as she looked around trying to see what it was not finding anything she turned her attention back to keith. and you new girl, who are you never seen you before aria asked too be fair i've only meet keith inside boss battles
  4. Aria walked down the tight alleyways of the starting city, a she came upon a two players that ran into each other. They were now laying in a heap of body's uhh what happend she asked
  5. "I'm 95lbs,and It's a bit embarrassing but right now I don't really care I love you rage you know that right..." She said slipping a sleep in his arms
  6. Aria walked up to rage and hugged him you better not she said kissing rage lets go get some sleep I'm tired from everything that's happened to day
  7. "Okay I believe you just don't do it again....ever I still love you rage"
  8. After she heard what he said she turned to him do you really mean it this time?
  9. She pushed off rage and stared at him stop....you stopped being able to do that alway ago she stepped passed him and keep walking
  10. your hurt aria said bluntly as she stood up moving rages hand and pull his arm out straight and stared at it its broken and your shoulders popped out she said force his shoulder back into place with a loud "POP" and us herr other hand and griping the broken part of rages arm tighting her grip intill a same green light started glowing healing the broken arm there aria said leavening the carter and walking in to the field
  11. Aria woke up slight to see the armor vanish into millions of crystals looking around to see the carter she was in and felt the blood covering her body wiping the blood from her face what the hell happened she said out loud
  12. The heal from rages crystal has repelled by the armor healing him instead then the crystal armor stated glowing red and explode blowing rage back and raining blood red crystal everywhere leavening aria unconscious and almost died body laying in the dirt with out a weapon, covered in what seemed to be blood
  13. Putting the sword back aria looked over the edge of the floor and thought its time... she opened her menu and went to the PM'S and sent one to rage which said "goodbye" and pushed off her spot on the edge falling off the floor, the wind ripping by her face seeing the ground getting closer see closed her eyes before see hit the ground. But before she hit the ground the crystal armor appeared around her body saving her from the fall. She layer there in a carter unconscious and near death
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