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Olivia Antheia

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Everything posted by Olivia Antheia

  1. Suppose I'm doing alright. So, uhm, hello.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kiru
    3. Zarryn


      Bonjour! Guten tag!

    4. Olivia Antheia

      Olivia Antheia

      Didn't exactly expect a welcome from that, but I'm not complaining. Salut, Zarryn, and everyone else.

  2. «Olivia Antheia» Frail Florist Profile » Username: Olivia Antheia. » Real name: Olive Oleander. » Age: 16. » Gender: Female. » Height: 5'10". » About: Olivia lived a very normal life compared to others. Born in Toronto, Ontario, and moved to Chicago, Illinois when she was twelve, she did well in school, had a healthy set of pastimes, and was generally happy. She has had trouble with students in the past, and has been bullied before. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't the most popular of girls at her school. Despite having a small social ring of good friends, she was an outc
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