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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Oh she has a lot of orders? I Shouldn't have ordered a outfit that would take so long to prepare.. I'll go back and cancel it.. but then again.. she might have already started.. Oh well.. Guess i'll just wait for her to message me the outfit. I sighed while looking up at the sky Rageagumon
  2. You need a sword? I still have my Anneal Blade from a quest, you can borrow it for this fight only. I handed over my Anneal blade to Shanok for him to borrow just for this fight. Get going, oh and as soon as we get back, follow me, i'll make you a good sword. My blacksmithing skill is maxed out so crafting anything is a piece of cake for me. I'll heal you guys up with potions and crystals.
  3. What'd I say, told you he'd come up with a brilliant plan, alright I got it. i'll go find her. If I do.. I'll duel her till one of us dies... I leaped into one of the trees silently, changing the foot prints of the players. Rageagumon
  4. Garou! Wait for Zelrius to make a plan.. he's good at it. He knows Ruby, she must have some sort of weakness. I'll protect you guys if she leaps on us. Rageagumon
  5. Rage see's a familiar boy and hear's a familiar voice at the same time, is that Garou? No, Garou stop! Don't chase after her! She'll kill you! GAROU! Rageagumon
  6. After finally reaching to them I panted for a little while then replied to Zelrius's statement Yeah, I got through it somehow. I wanted to be on the front lines so badly and now here I am! Oh by the way, Night, thanks for the dungeon location for Floor 3, I thank you for that. Rageagumon
  7. Hearing what Zelrius had to say for our plan and Ruby I replied Yeah, that's probably the best way to go.. I don't want to kill Ruby.. but if I have to.. I will.. even if it means becoming orange.. Rageagumon
  8. I smirked at Zelrius Let's go wake up this saddle aye? Keep running, i'm right behind you I ran behind Zelrius as he was leading the way to Ruby. I don't want to kill her but I will if I have to.. if I have to become Orange I will.. Rageagumon
  9. I see Zelrius, Shade and Zauis in the distance I Shout out to them Hey! Zelrius! Shade! Zauis! Wait for me! I just found you guys! Rageagumon
  10. Hearing what Zelrius said, it seems he knows what's going on I replied Take me to Ruby, i'll kill her if she even strikes anyone.. Rageagumon
  11. Hearing screams back at the forest, Something's wrong.. I thought we defeated the boss! You guys stay here and enjoy your food, Aria take 2 mil col god knows how much this will cost I gave her 2 million col and rushed out What in the world! Ryu! what's going on! Rageagumon
  12. From watching at the walls sidelines, I was watching and leaning *clap* *clap *Clap* Koutei, that's rather unexpected, join the front lines, i'll see you there. While petting my familiar, Glacies, I walked into the deep forest and disappeared without a trace Rageagumon
  13. Yeah I met Ashley just a few minutes/seconds ago, Katharine took me to her as she needed a few things from her. Rageagumon
  14. Feeling a presence walk towards the both of us, I waited to hear a voice and I heard zauis's he asked a question. Nothing much, just walking with Katharine and waiting on my new outfit. Rageagumon
  15. Enough with the chit-chat all of you, come get in and eat! It's an all you can eat buffet, All on me I smiled at the group giving them their reward I hope I did something for these guys..
  16. It was a nice fight and flight, because half the time I was jumping from one to another just to heal you guys.. Man you guys are reckless.. I used 3 heal crystals that battle I think. I gotta go stock up soon Rageagumon
  17. I did say this was going to be on me Zel, all of you can sit back relax and enjoy the food! You guys did all the damage, I only pinned him down with my familiar, Glacies. An Ice Dragon, pretty fun familiar to have around don't ya think? Rageagumon
  18. if you guys can catch up to me to the restaurant then you're in if you can't bad luck! I ran towards the most expensive restaurant I could find and sat down at a table. Rageagumon
  19. He's finished.. we did it guys! I'll treat you all to dinner.. Anyone interested? It's a payment for all of your hard work today. Rageagumon
  20. Glacies, slower it more so they can defeat it! Glacies! Now! I yelled to Glacies to slower it's movement more with it's Ice Breath. Alright! That's enough! Let them handle the rest! I jumped off the boss's head and landed next to Aria. Good work Aria, here you need it. I took out my last healing crystal and said Heal! Go for it, princess. I smiled at Aria Rageagumon
  21. I should deal some damage right now too. I unsheathed my blade and chanted Almighty power that resides within my soul, give me power in order to lay waste to this beast! DARK JUDGEMENT! Black Aura filled around me, my sword was glowing Black Now for the main event for me. I ran up to the boss's head, and called Glacies back Glacies, Tag-combo now! Glacies used an ice breath to slower his movements, at that instant I slashed it's head with my sword. Now the field is set, Dark Judgement, Activate. I slashed the Boss and it instantly fell to it's feet Night, Zauis, Aria and everyone else, attac
  22. Garou, your name is Garou right? Help NightShade over here, don't fear him, he's a good guy. He won't kill you. He's a nice person once you get to know him Rageagumon
  23. Glacies, go help Aria! Meanwhile, i'll go help Night I ran to night and said Man you're reckless as ever.. I take out another heal crystal Heal! Go again, strike him but be careful, i'll heal you guys, you guys focus on the boss. No need to have fear of dying, I have your backs! Trust me! I won't betray any of you! Rageagumon
  24. The other guys that I don't know.. they seem lower than lvl 6, hey you guys! becareful! I better go save him. I ran up to the boss's shoulder and carried the guy out of there Don't do things so restless, youll get yourself killed, here. I took out a heal crystal Heal! Now you're all patched up, be more careful next time, you could cost your life here. Rageagumon
  25. Time to announce something Alright guys, let's all work together for this one, I know zelrius, zauis and Night are all red players, but they have their reasons. We can still work together for this one right? Aria, help me defend off Zauis and Night, Zelrius, go full offensive, clarence, cover him! I tried to get them to work together, hopefully this works out Rageagumon
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