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About Natsu

  • Birthday 07/13/2001

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  1. I have a matriarch's Stinger for sale in my shop!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azide


      Is that an official ruling?

    3. Natsu
    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yes. it is mentioned in some quests as <<Worn out welcome>> and <<Blade of dreams>> that the items received are not tradable. I imagine it applies to all quest gained items

  2. Hey does the Matriach's Stinger work on hand wraps?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Baldur


      Just be careful of infection. Putting poison on your hands is never advisable :P

    3. Haine


      You should try head butting with poison hair... since you've got that fire concept -shrugs-

    4. Draterion
  3. Could someone approve of my strike force hand wraps for my duel?

  4. Is it strange at all that the top 4 players(in level) are all Yudai's? (were/are/will)

    1. Zelrius


      We noticed that back in August.

    2. Natsu


      There's a reason why I put will and were.

      were because Ruri is no longer active

      and will because Kiru and you(But still could be were because you and Cicilia were married, correct?)

  5. I do not have a Valentine.......*Whimper*

  6. Dun.........Dun........Dun....Dun....Dun...Dun..Dun..DUN! Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun

  7. Dun.........Dun........Dun....Dun....Dun...Dun..Dun..DUN! Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun

    1. Crozeph



    2. Natsu



  8. The Good Ages, I miss them.... They were at their peak in June-August.........

  9. Once again, a good post and then deleted.

    1. Baldur


      Start writing it in word. It'll help check grammar and spelling too. Much better than any browser based on.

  10. Could tonight be RP night? Could it be so?

    1. Nemesis


      You tell me big boy.

  11. anyone play tyrant unleashed here?

  12. If I created the guild "Fairy Tail", and left my current one, would anyone join?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Oske


      Remember that this is Sword Art Online... not Fairy Tail...

    3. Erroneous


      Not a single ounce of "originality" from the Alex department.

    4. Natsu



      Apoligize. For Everything.

  13. Anyone want to sell me a needle(blacksmith please) with an addition to the roll of the crafting dice?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Natsu


      Ok, and you come to my shop and I will sell it to you and the col while you trade me the needle, Okay?

    3. Tyger
    4. Natsu


      K, thanks you.

  14. Anyone want to check out my awesome shop?

    1. Natsu


      Seriously? Thanks!

  15. Mari is a GM? Could it be...... YAY!

    1. Life


      Mari is a Pst. All psts now have power to delete posts and approve item evaluations.

    2. Mari


      BUT I may soon be a GM :P

      But yeh Life is right~

    3. Natsu
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