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  1. Anima took a deep breath as she entered into the shop. She needed to have a coat made, and rumors indicated that this was one of the best places to go for such things. Inside the shop had several items up for sale, both functional and Vanity. Items ranging from exquisite coats to simple bandannas. Anima even spotted the white lion known as Kimba sitting neatly by a fireplace. If anything this proved that she was in the right place. She approached the counter and smiled politely waiting to be helped. She took her time now to fill out an order form that was sitting on the counter, as well a
  2. Anima looked shocked as Kosan returned so quickly with her items. He presented them to her and for a moment all she could do was stare with her mouth open. He truly was an exceptional black smith to have done this so quickly. She eyed the pieces before taking them. The mace was superb, beautiful, and surprisingly light in her grasp. She swung it in her free hand back and forth admiring its sturdy feel. It was beautiful. Next came the boots. She took her time putting them on, pulling them slowly up her slender legs. They were white, and so smooth and tight one could almost not even tell that th
  3. Now that she had earned her materials, it was time to get some gear. She had decided that getting armor was the way to go, and that weapons were going to be useless to her. Luckily there was a fantastic armorer that had come highly recommended. His name was Kosan. So far he had become one of the most successful smiths in the game, and that's what she wanted for her armor. The Young woman stood outside his shop a moment, The Molten Blades it was called, making sure she had everything figured out. She needed gear that acted in a very specific way, and there was no room for mistakes now. Once
  4. So whats going on with the dating game, Sword through the Heart?

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Procrastination that's what.

    2. Oske


      Waiting on Lessa

  5. Is there a list of how many posts I need to level up?

  6. Laws of average say that 1 in 4 should succeed on the loot dice. However.. I have gone 12 failures in a row. I look at odds, and dey them. I break the system for which we are founded. lol

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ___


      Yup, an average doesn't always guarantee that you'll hit the average. However, you're jinxed. ((Let's blame Life since he brought up the odds. d: ))

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Life happened... so move on and roll again like the rest of us gamblers.

    4. Miaki


      System is broken

  7. I think the burn damage needs to be updated in the Hydra thread. One character for sure should be down to one health. Just noticed.

    1. Kiru


      It's by turn, I think.

    2. Anima


      Oh.. Yeah I was counting the Hydra post directly before free for all mode. Whoops... lol

    3. Anima


      *Noms cookie* Thank you

  8. Anima

    Anima's Journal

    «Anima» The Healer. Profile » Username: Anima » Real name: Maggie Melnont » Age: 23 » Gender: Female » Height: 5'0" » Personality: Maggie is an American. She was born stateside, grew up stateside, and up until recently lived all of her life stateside. She moved to Japan when she was 22 to on a whim. This was often the way Carrie worked, going with her gut instincts regardless of how random they may be. So far she had been doing alright, landing a studio apartment and a decent job with a Video Game marketing company. This was how she managed to get her hands on a copy of SA
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