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  1. And I now have a head cold. Great.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Olympia


      I hate them. :(

      and Thanks Sozen!

    3. Torunn


      That sucks, to hear Olympia, hope you get well

  2. LEVEL 2!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elyth


      Yay! Now we have two people who've announced their level two-ness!

    3. Elyth


      (Double Trouble)

  3. Can guild members recognize each other without meeting one another??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Olympia


      Okay. Thank you!

    3. Baldur


      There is also a guild roster. Remember, you can't see anyone's level anywhere, you can't even see their name unless you're friends with them, in a party, or in a guild.

    4. Torunn


      Or if they send you a private message. but for that they have to have been quite close to you to get your name

  4. That's it, I'm doing the familiar quest. Now what to get...:P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zelrius


      Everyone Gets Dragons. It's not cool anymore

    3. Helios


      Yep, idk what i'm going with this time :P

    4. Alyss
  5. Classes are canceled tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Olympia


      Oh, NC! Only one state away! :P

      *pats Crozpeh on the back*

    3. Tyger


      Nice! We visit up there alot, and plan on moving there after I get my degree. (Sorry, baldur and I.) We have friends in Huntersville we stay with a lot. We both help out at the Ren Faire in the fall~

    4. Olympia


      OOh, what are you getting a degree in? I am currently attending college in Greensboro, but I know where that is! I would love to go back to the Ren Faire. How one earth did you get a gig doing that??

  6. Got approved! Now where to start...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Olympia


      Awesome! Let me reply to Helios and then I'll get something up! :)

    3. Sozen


      Excellent! Let our party be the bane of all boar-kind!

    4. Olympia


      It's started! Hopefully, it's okay. ^^'

  7. Can't wait to get approved!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Life


      Loved it :)

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Welcome to the site hope you have a good time.

    4. Olympia


      Thank you, everyone! :)

  8. Olympia


    Olympia Username: Olympia Real name: Cassie Stien Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'6" About: History/Personality: Cassie grew up in Virginia Beach, VA with an older sister and their parents. Her sister and her got along very well, in fact, the young girl even looked up to her. That didn't keep her selfish nature in line though. She refused to share anything (toys, clothes, etc.) with her older sister. The catch was that her sister was expected to share with her. Her parents tried to negate this nature, but their efforts were futile. As she grew her father lost his job. In the end
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