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About Sayre

  • Birthday 05/30/1995

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  1. Drawing a blank, how does one get mats again?

    1. Azide


      You get one mat from every mob you kill with at least half your HP. If you roll a LD of 19+ when killing one of these mobs, you can also take an extra mat and col, rather than an uncommon item. Additionally, you can receive them through a GM roll after Earning a Living.

    2. Sayre


      You always come through for me, man. Thanks, haha.

    3. Azide


      Taking one from Baldur's book: \o/

  2. It looks like shadowsnake is about to die in his quest o.o

    1. Syo


      We must believe in him.

    2. CidneyBear


      He told me to save him, but I don't think I can if I sit in floor 1 all the time in tears.

  3. Do salvage attempts count as a craft for the day?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I use the same roll,

      example: I roll a CD of 4(natural 3 +1 from crafting item) I use the loot dice from the same roll to determine if it's salvageable or not.

  4. Anyone online with the capability of moving topics? I dun goofed

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      the same mistake as Torunn, send a PM to ryu so he can lock your topic and the open one in the shops section:D

    2. RyujinSeaLord


      already taken care of

  5. Sayre bee-lined back into the familiar shop, ready to finally get this item that had some complications in the shop. Originally intending on picking up some glasses, he was instead picking up an enchanted bandana. This was completely fine to him, but what was a little odd, was the string of boxes sitting on the desk with a few different names on them. While he realized this was the best way to ensure people would get their stuff in a timely manner, it seemed odd to have a pet watching over anything. Regardless, like a good citizen, he picked up the box with his name on it, and as he walked out
  6. So my sword has +3 damage, is that on top of the +1 swords have by default, or no? And my skill in short sword is another +1. Is it +4 damage or +5 total?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Azide


      I believe that with a +3 weapon and 1 rank in a weapon skill would make your normal hits do 5 damage. 1 damage by default, +4.

    3. Baldur


      Correct. For example, I have katana rank 3, and I have a +3 damage weapon. On a normal hit, I would do 1 base +3 weapon enhancement +3 skill.

      Note that Accuracy cannot boost you into getting a crit, so if you roll an 8, but have +1 accuracy, it's still only a normal hit.

    4. Sayre


      I got such a split of answers, although it looks like I was correct in thinking 5. Awesome guys, thanks!

  7. So on these forums, do we wait for topics to get looked at by staff or is there a different preferred method? Asking because I genuinely don't know.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Oikawa
    3. Sayre


      Awesome, glad I asked. I was just waiting because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes.

    4. Oikawa


      You're fine mate. For anything to count 9/10 it must be approved by a GM or PST. If it's really important it'll have to be a GM. If I were you, I would familiarize myself with them if are very helpful and keep this site going. Some of the staff are orange players by the way and not easily Identifiable by the black text of their name as opposed to the green staff.

  8. Anyone looking to RP?

  9. Anyone know what's going on with Olympia? She was a full fleded member for a few days, now she's "verifying"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baldur


      Maybe she didn't do the e-mail verification?

    3. Helios
    4. Mari


      email verification issue

  10. -forever waiting for people to respond in RP's-

    1. Helios


      My life on my old character~

  11. How do you edit a title of a topic?

    1. Calrex


      If you go to the very first post and open it in the full editor, the title will be editable I believe.

    2. Sayre


      Oh, awesome thank you. Didn't even think to go to the full editor.

    3. Calrex


      Lol you're welcome! Glad it worked XD

  12. Holy crap if I fail one more loot roll .__.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Helios


      You'll get a good roll. I believe in you!

    3. Sayre


      Has anyone else ever failed 6 rolls in a row? This is actually kind of hilarious

    4. Sayre


      <3 thanks Helios

  13. On that note, level 2~ huzzah!

  14. How do you refer the permaroller to a post in a topic you haven't written yet? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Azide


      Glad to help! And occasionally you might see a post saying something along the lines of "Rolling", haha.

    3. Baldur


      You'll see a lot of people just post "[Rolling]" and then get their number and write their post.

    4. Sayre


      Oooo, good tip. Awesome.

  15. Sayre strutted to the door of the shop, admiring the work in the window before entering. It was actually quite a beautiful shop, with a lot of emotion clearly built right into the foundation. "This is a shop I see my self supporting, and considering the deal that was worked out through our guild, I see no other reason to go anywhere else. At my level, I couldn't have enough items. I need to get stronger!" He whipped open the door, eager to leave his fulfilled form in the queue of work to be done, excited for his future with this game.
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