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  1. Back in Action, If anyone is up for rping i'm ready for you <3

  2. New +1 Block skill since you can't have both Block and Evasion so shield users should be able to pick +block on there shield since there are actually no enchants for shields anymore
  3. So there is not Lifesteal anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Torunn


      aww that means i have to actually get some of my gear re evaluated blaah

    3. Xanatos


      yeah, it can be a bit of a pain. I was lucky enough not have bought any items with that enhancement quite yet

    4. Torunn


      i need more armor enchants :P, now my wep just gonna give acc instead of LS.

  4. Back again after a little while of being absent, new work took up quite some time to get used to the work time but now im fine again.

  5. Time for bed. Death to timezones and there power

    1. Syo


      Good night, Torunn!

  6. Torunn walks into the store with a smile on her lips as she looks around and as she bumps into the counter she looks up before knocking on it and then says "Miss Ariel?, are you there"
  7. I'm Off to bed its 4am here and got lots of sleep ahead of me, hate being sick only good thing about it is i can go to bed late.

    1. Peppermint


      Good night! Sleep well.

    2. Elyth


      Good night Torunn~

  8. Torun walked into the shop and looked around, as she knocked on the counter before jumping up and putting her order on the desk Item: Green Raincoat Item type : Heavy Coat Quality: Perfect Enhancement: +2 Thorns +1 Damage Mitigation Shop: [leave this space blank the shopkeeper will fill it] Description : Large green raincoat that has a tail with pink ribbon attached with a pair of rabbit-ear hood Payment: in "Cash" 1000Col
  9. Need a good name for a shield anyone ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kiru


      Kiru: It blocks everything that is kind or evil, almost nothing can penetrate the heart.

    3. Torunn


      KIRU is the name!!! thats Final hah

  10. The power of Timezones wins once more, Time to go to bed when everyone logs on

    1. Calrex


      Lol have a good night!

  11. Anyone got a good idea for a shop name?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Torunn


      Hmm actually i think your right lol :P, i only just noticed i made it in quest area and not shop right ?

    3. Baldur


      Oikawa, I'm with you there. That was genius.

  12. Wee got thrown home from work cause i'm sick. and you cant work in a kommer kitchen when your sick.

    1. Vasth


      Must be pretty hard but i got kick home from work how sick were u? Like coughing ur u throat out?

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