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Atticus Smyth

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Posts posted by Atticus Smyth

  1. Walking back into the store, Atticus looked around for the npc. Determining that he must be in the back, Atticus called out "Hello! Is there anyone here?" Without a moment gone by, the round funny man came bouncing out from the back of the store."Hello there boy" the man chuckled, "I'm guessing that since you've returned you either have the items or have failed miserably. I do hope it's the first one, since if you couldnt even gather these simple materials your not going to make much of an alchemist."

    "Not to worry" Atticus replied, placing the items on the counter. "I have everything you requested right here. So what's next?" Examining the items before him on the counter, the man chuckled once more and replied. "Very good, the next step is to brew the potion, please grab the items and follow me into the back."

  2. Spotting another node a short ways away, Atticus once again walked over to it and tried to harvest the last item he needed for his quest. As he bent down, he remember to use the same delicacy in which he was able successfully pick the first one. Giving the berry a slow twist, it snapped free from the bush. Relieved to finally be finished with the task, he deposited the item in his inventory and set corse back to town.

    ID:12064 LD:18

    River weed-2/2

    Red berry-3/3

    Green herb-3/3

  3. Taking notice of some of the wild life around him. Atticus thought about the familiars he had herd other players talking about in town. "Maybe I'll get myself a hawk, after all it sure would make hunting for materials and loot easier." As Atticus approached the next material node, he attempted to harvest the last berry he needed. With too tight of a grip however, he smashed the berry in his hand."Damit!" Atticus said aloud.

    ID:12059 LD:14

  4. This might be a dumb question, but what's the difference between an npc versus a play character that doesn't have an account? Below is what was posted in the player killing status announcement thread.

    #2 - Killing floor NPC's (shopkeepers, etc..) doesn't count

    #3 - Killing PC's (fictional players that don't have accounts here) that aren't real does count

  5. Atticus walked a short ways further into the woods until he come to another material node. Exercising caution, Atticus carefully plucked one of the berry's from the bush and deposited the item into his inventory. "Almost done..." Atticus thought to himself. Nearing the finish line, Atticus began to think about all the possibilities for the potions he could craft. Maybe he would try to create a luck potion, or perhaps a potion to change his appearance. Having not given it much thought earlier, the science of alchemy began to appeal to his academic side.

    ID:12058 LD:17

    River weed-2/2

    Green herb-3/3

    Red berry-2/3

  6. As Atticus pulled his spear from the wolfs side, it let out a nasty yelp. Down but not out of the fight, the wolf regained itself and began moving in a circular motion around Atticus in an attempt to isolate a weak spot. Cool, calm and collective, Atticus allowed the wolf to circle him. Rotating his body to match the wolfs movement, he waited for the attack to come. After several long seconds, the wolf attacked again. Managing to get through Atticus's defenses, the wolf chomped down hard on Atticus's leg. Undeterred by the assault however, Atticus remained calm and thrust his spear forward once again, this time into the wolf back. In an instant the wolf shattered into shards and atticus claimed his loot.

    ID:12057 BD:9 MD:8

    Atticus(4/9)- hits for 2+1=3

    Adult wolf(0/5)- hits for 1

    River weed-2/2

    Green herb-3/3

    Red berry-1/3

  7. As Atticus entered the woods, he thought back to the last time he was here and his fight with the monster wolf. Although only a short time had passed, it seemed like forever ago that Atticus was leaving the safety of the city for the first time to begin his adventure. Even though he was still of a low level, and he hadn't even ventured on to any of the other floors yet, Atticus felt accomplished with his progress so far.

    Making his was through the woods, Atticus stopped and listened quietly. From a short distance away, he could here the crunch of leaves as something made its way through the forrest, approaching him from behind. Not wanting to get caught off guard, Atticus pulled his spear from his back and turned to face the noise. As Atticus peered into the dense surrounding forrest, he struggled to see movement of any kind. Deciding that maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, Atticus lowered his gaurd and began to turn back around and continue his journey. In that moment however, a full grown wolf leaped from the shadows and tackled Atticus to the ground. Blocking the wolfs bite with the length of his spear, Atticus struggled to gain control of the situation. After a few long seconds that felt like minutes, Atticus was able to throw the wolf off him. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Atticus flung to his feet and thrust his spear into the wolfs side as it attempted to recover from being thrown off.

    ID: 12049 BD:9 MD:7

    Atticus(5/9)- hits for 2+1=3

    Adult wolf(2/5)- hits for 1

  8. Determined to find the last herb he needed quickly. Atticus began searching the nearby hillsides with a maddening pace. As he rounded the top of one of the nearby hills, Atticus observed a large patch of flowers and herbs down below. "One must be in there" Atticus said aloud as he set off down the hill to search.

    Entering the field, it didn't take long for atticus to come across the last herb he needed. Pausing for a moment to observe the herb, he admired the beauty of it sitting there among the other flowers, fresh dew on its leaves. Not wanting to waste any significant time however, Atticus quickly picked the herb and continued on with the quest.

    ID: 12045 LD:19

    River weed-2/2

    Green herb-3/3

    Red berry-0/3

  9. After enjoying a few days of rest, Atticus decided it was time to get back to business. Walking out into the street, the first thing on his to do list was to go pickup his new weapon and armor from the forge. Walking the street, Atticus wondered what the cities on the second floor we're going to be like since that's where he would be heading. Arriving at the forge, Atticus walked in and approached the counter were he waited to be helped.

  10. Recovering quickly from the attack, Atticus dusted off his cloak and stood up straight. Staring down the boar, he remained calm and rigid, as if ice was running through his veins. snarling loudly, the boar once again charged towards Atticus. With lightening fast reactions, Atticus waited until the last minute to dodge the attack. As he twirled around out of the way of the attack, he brought the tip of his spear down through the head of the boar, staking it to the ground. Within seconds the boar burst into a thousand shards and left there on the ground was the loot orb. "Half way there" Atticus said aloud as he picked up the loot orb and activated it.

    ID:11908 BD:10 LD:9 MD:4

    Atticus-hits for 3+1=4

    Boar-attack fails


    Boar-0/5(drops 1 mat)

    2/2-river weed

    2/3-green herb

    0/3-red berry

  11. As Atticus continued to search the grass lands high and low for the herbs he needed to complete his quest. Atticus decided that he might have better luck just acquiring the items through combat. Confident in his decision, Atticus began looking for any mobs that might be close by. Eying a bull that was only a few hundred yards away, Atticus slung his spear from his back and began running full speed ahead towards the boar. Entering the boars agro range, the boar took notice of Atticus and began running full speed at him aswell. Drawing near the pair both leaped into the air launching their attacks. Both attacks finding their mark, both Atticus and the boar were sent flying back into the dirt.

    ID:11596 BD:9 MD:9

    Atticus- hits for 2+1=3

    Boar- hits for 2



  12. Atticus continued to walk the plains in search of the herbs, all the while letting his mind wonder from subject to subject. Atticus wondered about his family for a long while."where would they be, what would they be doing?" Atticus went his whole life never really missing his parents, during their near constant business trips. Since being trapped in the game however, they were one of his most thought about subjects. Something the game changed about him that Atticus didn't really mind.

    ID:11595 LD:4

  13. Standing there on top of the hill, Atticus decided to head out farther into the grasslands. Walking down the hill Atticus observed the few beginner players in the area setting out to undoubtedly hunt the numerous boars that spawn in the area. An activity he was partaking in only a few days ago. As he continued to walk, Atticus decided it would be better if he kept his eyes glued to the ground in search of the herb.

    ID: 11594 LD:6

  14. Exhaust from his latest battle, Atticus walked to the top of the nearest hill. Reaching the top, Atticus peered around in all directions hoping to spot some of the Green Herbs he needed. Unsuccessful, Atticus contemplated which direction to head next. All the while hoping the reminder of the items he needed wouldn't be as elusive as the river weed he had to search for.

    ID:11577 LD:1

  15. As the Orc slowed down to reach for his axe, Atticus was ready for it. Plunging his spear deep into the orcs back, the mob burst into shards and quickly vanished into thin air. Left there on the ground was a glowing loot orb, Atticus walked over and picked up the orb activating it in the process. For all his trouble with the Orc atticus received 1 green herb. "One step closer to completing the quest" he thought to himself.

    ID:11576 BD:9 LD:6 MB:5

    Atticus- hits for 2+1=3

    Orc-attack fails


    Orc-0/5(drops one green herb)

    River weed-2/2

    Green herb-1/3

    Red berry-0/3

  16. As the orc ran after his axe, Atticus made an attempt to run him down, surprised by the agility of the beast Atticus had to work incredibly hard to catch him. Deciding his chances of being able to hit the Orc on the run were almost zilch, Atticus help back his attack and waited for the Orc to stop moving.

    ID:11575 BD:3

    Atticus-attack fails

    Orc- turn skipped



  17. Stagered from the hit he just took, Atticus was not able to launch another attack. Waiting for the Orc to charge again, Atticus was growing tired of this fight. As the Orc came forward once again for another attack, atticus leaped into the air over the Orc. As the Orc tried to change the angle of his attack to hit him, he lost his grip on his axe and sent it flying.

    ID:11573 BD:3 MD:1

    Atticus- attack fails

    Orc- critical fail, skips next attack turn



  18. Unfazed by the injury it sustained early the Orc once again charged ahead. As the Orc drew near Atticus lifted his spear straight in the air and then swung it around on a horizontal plan attempting to strike the Orc. The orc seeing the attack coming quickly ducked, cought of gaurd by the quickness of the orc Atticus was unable to offer up any defense against the orcs attack. Taking the full force of the hit as the Orc swung his axe.

    ID:11571 BD:2 MD:10

    Atticus- attack misses

    Orc- hits for 3



  19. Not waiting for Atticus to start another attack. The Orc charged forward catching him off gaurd and struck him with his axe. Atticus unable to deliver a counter attack, darted to the side and took a defensive position with his spear outstretched in front of him.

    ID:11570 BD:5 MD:7

    Atticus-attack misses

    Orc- hits for 1



  20. Ready to end this fight quickly, Atticus sprinted ahead and once again leaped into the air attempting to strike the Orc with his spear. This time however the Orc was ready for the attack and managed to block the oncoming assault with his axe. Now in close quarter combat, the Orc attempted to utilise the opportunity and tackle Atticus to the ground. Anticipating the move Atticus jumped back clear of the attack.

    ID:11569 BD:2 MD:2



  21. As Atticus walked out into the openness of the grasslands, he suprisingly saw an orc standing near the top of a near by hill. Not wasting anytime, Atticus unholstered his spear and sprinted ahead towards the orc. Now within attack range of the boar, Atticus leaped into the air plunging his spear into the gut of the orc. As the orc reared back in pain, it made an attempt to swing his axe towards Atticus. With out any trouble Atticus was easily able to evade the attempted attack.

    ID:11568 BD:9 MD:3

    Atticus-hits for 2+1=3

    Orc- attack misses



  22. I like the direction in which you are going, like i said in the post above. I think it would be cool to have some quests/events that would encourage more dialog and interaction rather then just combat dialog. I especially like the idea of trying to extract information to meet a goal, the anime had players who operated as information brokers. It would be awesome to incorporate something like that here.

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