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  1. Kind of bored... Anyone willing to RP? Don't really care about what we do, just as long as it's not too dangerous.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Warnik


      Oh, right. Thanks for reminding me Noctis. Guess I'll have to hold off on that for now until someone approves that.

      And your level is too intimidating Kiru. xD *hides*

    3. Helios


      I'll RP with youuuu :D

    4. Warnik


      All right, just send me a pm and we'll see what we can do Helios.

  2. Oh for heck's sake. My slow computer clicked on the perma roller twice. >.> What do I do in this situation?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      use the first roll and there you go:D

    2. Warnik


      Well... that was easy.

  3. Oh for heck's sake. My slow computer clicked on the perma roller twice. >.> What do I do in this situation?

  4. The dice gods are jerks. A boar I was fighting had gotten two 9's in a row. I think I'm going to die soon. >.> If I survive this, I'm never doing an SP again.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Calrex


      Oh...I just build the pyres XD

    3. Rusty


      We have somebody who died to a boar today. Again.

    4. Warnik


      NO! I just saw the status update too. The poor guy.

  5. Beginning to see why people dislike the dice gods. They are ruthless. >.>

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      *Appears out of nowhere* Is the luckiness based on a dice roll? If so, I think the dice gods won't be so kind still... *slips back into the shadow*

    3. Calrex


      I think it changes the frequency at certain periods. I believe there is a trend XD

    4. Teayre


      Sacrifice *volunteers*

  6. «Warnik» Profile: » Username: Warnik » Real name: Miles Foster » Age: 20 » Gender: Male » Height: 6'0" » Appearance: Miles is of an average build, but his limbs are somewhat strong and toned due to constant physical labour. His skin has a light brown pigmentation, and his sharp eyes are dark brown, almost black, in colour. The wild, shaggy, medium length hair on his head is completely black and it sticks out in various directions. To hide his unruly hair, Miles would usually wear a beanie or ball cap depending on the weather. In Sword Art Online, he wears a dark green tunic with s
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