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About Riveris

  • Birthday 10/28/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    town of beginnings
  • Interests
    eating sleeping forging helping others and army style guilds and groups

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  1. Thinking of going to GGO.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emblem


      okay ALO is right?

    3. Zelrius


      Neither are, I cannot release too much information, But give it a month or so and we should have something

    4. Emblem


      okay awesome thanks Zelrius

  2. Riveris


    ( WORK IN PROGRESS! ) Riveris Profile Username: Riveris Real Name: Unknown Age:16 Gender: Male Height: 5'7 About: History/personality [He is in high school from the US from in Missouri.He was always a bit strange and nerdy and often shunned by most of the students and few bullied him. He never really showed how much it bothered him as much as it did to his friends. He was extremely happy when he first got into mmos making more friends online than in real life. Many times he when he came home from track or cross contry he got clean and spend most of his time online. When the ne
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