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Irish Maiden

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  1. Hey guys, My new main account is Snow so...I will rarely spend time on here

  2. I think I failed on my project due on Tuesday. welp, time to ask my mam to write a note after Monday

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vesuvius


      You still have to turn it in...

    3. Klick


      oh you can build a time machine go back in time and teach your self how to pass, thus making your older self pass and erasing your existance forever

    4. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      I can't be bothered to to do it. The teacher with understand...?


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rebekah


      i still haven't gotten the chickenpox yet, and i turned 20 earlier this year...

    3. Klick


      To all of you who havent gotten yet... make sure you get the vaccine

    4. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      My throat for gods' sake.

  4. School...Back to school...Help...

    1. Rebekah


      Better than finals seasons...

    2. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      Eh, Its okay i guess

  5. Just lost a friend on a art website

    1. Rusty


      Aww.. that must suck. Well, you have friends here.

    2. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      Thank god, she was my closest internet friend.

  6. I finally found my t-shirt saying 'good morning sunshine' Then I hurt my ankle

  7. wel, My hard work went into the bin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      I pretty much tried but my email address was invalid and i only have one so...;/

    3. Rebekah


      Then, make another email? I'm sure most of us have a few emails, even though we only actually use one or two.

    4. Irish Maiden
  8. Finally got her done, hope she's fine.

  9. (new character if my one dies) Profile ----------------------------- UserName: Snow Real name: Alice Mckenna Gender: Female Age: 14 Nationality: England. Height: 5'6 ----------------------------- Appearance ----------------------------- Snow has White hair with blue at different parts, as it is very long she has it in pigtails which are still very long. she often wears a white dress with blue also in different parts, such as the frill at the bottom, the designs of the stomach piece and the sleeve
  10. This new character is taking ages, everything bad is happening to my work

  11. I feel like making a new character but I can't...

    1. Rusty


      You can, you're allowed to have more than one character.

    2. Irish Maiden

      Irish Maiden

      Oh...Thats awesome then! Thanks for the info.

  12. anyway, going to see Cinderella later on


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