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  1. Welp, I was going to celebrate my newly gained blacksmithing tonight but... now im just gonna go to bed. Goodnight friends~!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Calrex


      Good night sweet prince O_O

    3. Oikawa


      night man #BBB

    4. Mari


      OH man that is sucky so much for hoping to RP with ya

  2. Right, time to get back to my quest. Hopefully I stop getting trashed on by boars.

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    2. Sunny


      Side note, does armour actually provide any mitigation inherently, or do you need the applicable skill to utilize it? Like can I wear light armour untrained to get base 1 mitigation? Also is all armour uncommon quality and up, or is there basic good quality armour like there are weapons?

    3. Calrex


      Unless there's enhancements already on the armor i don't believe so.

    4. Azide


      You can wear good quality armor in order to make use of Armor Skill.

  3. Ugh, things are going south with work, I may be looking for other jobs at this rate.

  4. Ahhh I got my computer back. Apparently the hard drive collapsed in on itself, and he had to fix it up like you patch a tire, so its on its last legs and ill probably need to grab a new one, which is gonna be like another 80 bucks ;^;

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    2. Azide


      If I were there, I'd totally just get that done for you, ahaha. You can get great HDD's for about 50-ish.

    3. Sunny


      Yeah Im gonna do that, but all of my data was lost regardless. Gonna get a TB drive from tigerdirect and if im lucky a solid state boot drive down the line.

    4. Azide


      SSD's are amazing man! Sorry to hear about the data loss though. If you're looking an alternative, hybrid drives pretty amazing too!

  5. season 5 of mlp was pretty hype. I love episodes about the dangers of communism

    1. Mari


      I missed it so have to wait till tomorrow morning my time when its up on streams again aha

  6. on my way home from work, no computer to greet me at home ;^; maybe I can try to post from my phone.

  7. had to shell out 100 bucks for some guy to pick up my computer and work his dark magic on it

    1. Kiru


      Yeesh, was he a wizard?

    2. Sunny


      I dunno yet, he said I'd have it back within 24 hours.

    3. Calrex


      If it's nothing bad he should have it done by then. *talks from computer repair experience* XD

  8. my computer decided last night was a perfect time for a full existential crisis. now even system restore is giving me trouble.

  9. Am I right in assuming sword skills are just a way to fluff up your descriptions of your attacks, and that they don't specifically like, alter combat in any way?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mari


      I see that you have a SHARP wit. Hur hur

    3. Sunny


      *groans* I can see why you're a PKer with jokes like that.

    4. Baldur


      She has a rapier like wit

  10. It's official, I got my ass kicked by a boar.

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    2. Sunny


      So on a side note, how's HP recovery work? Just out of combat like a typical MMO? Gotta rest in an inn?

    3. Kiru


      I am definitely not the person to ask. (lol even though I've been here for 2 years hah.)

    4. Calrex


      If you rest then consider yourself recovered. Other than that I believe every post out of combat you recover 1 HP

  11. Sunny


    »Sunny« » Username: Sunny » Real name: Steven Woods » Age: 27 » Gender: Male » Height: 5'11" » About: Steven grew up in America. Florida, more specifically. His parent's weren't particularly rich, but they managed a stable life. He was always sort of a loner, always keeping to himself, and only opening up to small groups at a time throughout gradeschool. His hobbies mainly revovled around anything he could do on his computer, gravitating towards games and anime, naturally. After loafing around for a few years after finishing highschool, he lamented that he wasn't really getting any
  12. Right... just finished watching SAO II, and the hype is still real, so let's try this all out, eh?

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    2. Kiru


      *raises hand* :>>> I draw! PM MEEEE

    3. Hikoru


      *Peeks around corner* Somebody on here knows how to draw?

    4. Calrex


      *puts his hand in his pocket, although he wants to raise it* XD

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