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About Arya

  • Birthday 07/13/2001

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  2. Vaca sucks sometimes

  3. Soooooooo................

  4. Happy Birthday Klick!

  5. Got third in 3200 and sucked in everything else.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zelrius


      Kiru, Lean into Curves. Short Distance (400 and Below) You go as fast as you can, Long Distance remember pacing. And Remember the Cheek-to-Cheek method of sprint.

    3. Kiru


      Okay, thank you!

    4. Arya


      Ummm..... League is next Monday and I'm running the 4x2 in it. I'll tell you then, Zel! :)

  6. Next Track Meet Tomorrow. I will be throwing shot put and running the 3200, 1600, and 100. Yay! I plan on winning, there will only be three teams at this meet.

    1. Calrex


      Best of luck!

  7. Arya thought about the question. She hadn't even known there was a mayor in the Town of Beginnings. Arya hadn't found a reason for there to be. But guild approval and stuff like that may be a necessity when you put it like that. At least there was no tax there Arya knew and liked. " Couldn't say that I do know where the mayor is in town, but I must say I did not know there was a mayor's office," Arya said then took a deep breath. She wondered if it would be a beautiful mayor's office or a dumpy one.
  8. Arya felt the tug on her shoulder and looked up at Klick. " Oh. Right! " Then Arya took off in the other direction, starting to jog slowly, then going faster, then sprinting. Arya turned aroud and laughed. " You can't catch me! " Arya laughed as the city of beginnings came into view. Arya pulled out a bottle of water and drank it, which she actually thought the water tasted really really good to Arya for some weird reason. As she chugged down the water bottle, Arya actually slammed it onto the ground, just to see how many crystals she could make. Arya loved those crystals. (OOC:I didn't kn
  9. Arya did not know if the crazy idea was her helping him or if it was something not yet to be revealed, but even so she tried to smile as she said, " Blue, think about it. Is there any reason I wouldn't want to help you?" Arya grabbed a branch to help her up as Arya then leaped onto her feat. " So, what are we waiting for, Blue? Lets do this thing that you were talking about!" Arya finished her comment and then started walking slowly in one direction, with no idea where she was going, kinda hoping Blue would say something like they did in the movies, likke saying, "not this way. that way", tur
  10. I haven't even made a single post since a week ago and somehow I gained two levels?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arya


      No but I only have like 19 posts! Its like it added my profile views and my active posts to get that number........

    3. Hikoru


      I went from level 6 to 9, so I aint really complaining xD they changed the number of posts needed to level up, if that helps to explain it

  11. I'll reply to the OP soon guys, just not feeling it today...................

  12. I apologize for my absence, was grounded

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arya


      Lifted? I'm afraid I don't follow XD

    3. Klick


      Its a song... dont worry about it.

      welcome back though

    4. Arya
  13. Arya stared at the flower for a few seconds after Klick had grabbed it and asked if it was what she was looking at. "Yah, actually, it was! Thanks!" Arya smiled as she took the flower,studying it. It had beautiful graphics,and Arya enjoyed staring at it."My name is Lucillia. Can't say I really like that name though.....I like your name, Blue. I don't know why anyone wouldn't like your name..................................I guess my name is just a little bit too girly for me to like, you know?" Arya grabbed another flower and compared them. exactly alike. whoever programmed this game had just
  14. I'm the only member on right now.......

    1. Klick


      Sry I have briefs this morning haha

    2. Arya


      Klick, how are you doing???

    3. Klick


      I am GREAT. Im back for the 3rd time XD how are you doing?
       are you still active in SAO, if so we gotta stick together. The Core stays strong XD.

  15. No one has posted in floorss 1-10 for 2 Hours.....

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