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  1. I'm back, buddeh!!! Wooooooo!!!

    *crickets chirp*

    Oh right... I was still a low level when I left the first time lmao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hestia


      Well that is good to know and we do try our best to keep things balanced. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have discord we do have a discord server you could join.

    3. Ourian


      once I get into the swing of things, I might just do that :D 

    4. Kasier


      Welcome back :)

  2. Seems like the Admin(s) arent too interested in the fact that there seems to be something wrong with the VAlidation thing... my friend has been trying to start playing for like 3 days now, but cannot because the validation email wont send... and I'm being ignored by the Admin(s) on this subject and its disheartening...

    1. Life


      Try the skype chat, Erron might answer there.

    2. Shark


      I would be the best one to contact in the situation. I have finals in a few weeks so my time getting on is spotty since this is the 2nd semester of my freshman year at college.

  3. Profile Username: Ourian Real name: Sosuke Kotoma Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 5' 11" About: History About: Personality Virtues: Flaws: Skills Mods Inventory Col Transactions Roleplays Relationships (optional)
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