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About Snow.

  • Birthday 03/22/2000

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  1. I'm pretty sure I'll be able t ocme back on, I've gone through a lot of trouble for a few days.

    1. Calrex


      Uh oh, hope you're doing better. Come back when you're ready!

    2. Snow.


      Yeah, Its just stuff about my dog and stuff, Its been hard because next week there is a maths test and...Its the big one and my weak spot is maths...

  2. Gonna take a break :/ be back soon

  3. Reading lots of tutorials on how to do the spoiler things....Help?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow.


      Thanks, Life!

    3. Life


      Glad to help ^^

    4. Kiru


      Life just gave out lemons, use them to the best of your ability young one.

  4. And taytos...

    1. Life


      All the taytos

    2. Snow.


      Taytos are the best Irish crisps

  5. Yum...Pringles...

  6. Its been nearly two days and I haven't got my journal checked ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Klick


      Its proably cause today is after monday... hopefully everyones schedule will calm down on wensday

    3. Mari


      A lot of the mods are really busy at the moment, its sad but its a very busy time of year.

    4. Snow.


      I'm sure it is. Thanks Mari.

  7. Is there seriously no staff members on? Okay..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snow.


      Yes Please, Klick.

    3. Klick


      when you get approved message me so i can make a rp for us to meet

    4. Snow.
  8. Snow.

    Snow's Journal

    Profile- UserName: Snow Real name: Alice Mckenna. Age: 15 Nationality: Originally French, Now Japanese. Height: 4'7 Birthday: December 25th 2000 Appearance- :Snow has White hair with blue at different parts, as it is very long she has it in pigtails which are still very long. she often wears a white dress with blue also in different parts, such as the frill at the bottom, the de
  9. Hey guys :) Its me irish Maiden

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