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About Haine

  • Birthday 03/09/2002

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  • Guild Name
    Firm Anima

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  1. The fruits of her labor had proven itself useful. With Asgard's Finery in hand, she was one step closer to her dream weapon. The Radiance of Harmonious Dawn was a gift from her comrade Freyd, exceeding in strength from her previous blade. She set it aside for the newer one, but as great as it was, it hadn't reached its utmost potential. All that was left was to hand over the shard to Simmone or Sam and pray for the best. She squeezed her fists and inhaled sharply. Hopefully something good would turn out. The woman knocked on the counter. The others were at the back of the shop. A cat with bril
  2. Haine was back again. Those potions in stock, whatever they were made of, proved handy multiple times in quests with comrades. Immolation, was it called? Haine would buy out whatever they had in stock. She padded up the steps to the shop, sliding through the door. She closed it shut behind her, padding up to the shelves near the back. This shop had been a frequent destination as of late, her go-to for a merchant. She scanned for bottles of viscous, fiery red liquid. Surely enough, a full stock rested neatly on the shelf. She snagged two off the shelf, along with a ration and moved to the count
  3. It was about high time the woman gave her comrade's shop a perusal. A small building located behind a monastery was a peaceful place to set up shop. Greenery surrounded her and the weather was just about tranquil. It was a far cry from the gloominess that was his home. She would not step foot there without someone else to protect her from the undead. Rotting, skeletal foes were not her strong suit. Her agenda wandered to her next battle. A dungeon had opened up, the talk of every town now. If she were to venture there, she would have to come prepared. That meant expanding her inventory, crunch
  4. Haine

    Haine - Azurite

    CLICK FOR THREAD LOGS Quest Progress Legend: Done - In Progress - Not Done - Obsolete ? <<Feeding your Enemy>> <<Training your Friend>> <<Earning a Living>> Floor 1 <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> <<Earning a Living>> <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>> <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>> <<The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free>> <<Redemption>> <<Dragon Hunter Antholog
  5. Haine

    Haine - Azurite

    <div id="polbg"><div class="polbg3"></div> <div class="polbg1"><h3>#001.</h3><h1><i class="th th-bubble-heart"></i> example: template title here</h1><h2></h2></div> <div class="polbg2"> <h1>01. section #1</h1> <b>Quisque blandit ligula augue</b>, id finibus tellus ullamcorper ut. Praesent diam lacus, sollicitudin vitae gravida sed, sodales nec orci. Integer enim velit, facilisis eu consequat eget, tincidunt in velit. Etiam luctus risus in purus bibendum, at porttitor sem ultrices. Nu
  6. Haine

    Haine - Azurite

  7. If all my items are okay with the enchantment system, do I still need to re-evaluate it?

    1. Azide


      Nope! Only equipment that doesn't comply needs to be re-evaluated.

  8. Happy birthday to me! \0/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Haine


      THANK YOU EVERYONE -joy tears-

    3. Helios


      Happy Birthday :D

    4. Elyth


      Happy birthday, Haine! <3 and <4 and <5!

  9. Just a short question concerning skill points. So for the quests, does the skill point reward stack over the base skill reward of of one SP per topic? For example, quests with one SP rewards, would that make two with the SP's stacked? And those mini boss quests too. I need to know this in order to edit my skills list :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mari


      No - you could do a thread with 140 posts and it would still be 1 SP

    3. Baldur


      What Haine said is correct. If a thread is less than 20 points you don't get anything.

    4. Skylar


      Gotcha, thanks. ^_^

  10. Hey guys! To everyone who's rping with me at the moment, I apologize for my inactivity with replying. I'll get to them today ^^

    1. Torunn


      Auntie is a Slacker!!

  11. For the <> quest, would I need to fight mobs that are half of my health so they can drop a single mat?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yup! half your half and more than 2x floor lvl or you can try gathering..but its a pain!!!!

    2. Haine


      Man! Oh well XD Guess I'll need to make this a spree so I can use crafting mats for training \0/

    3. Kiru


      UGHHHHH Then my mob would have to be freaking 45 hp...

  12. L-level 45!!? -faints-

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