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About LemonArsonist

  • Birthday 08/02/1993

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  1. Hey, GM's. Since I was in the middle of a quest wiith a friend, and died in a seperate RP. Can my quest buddy get the rewards, since I won't be needing them. Thanks :3

  2. Well, the pyres are faulty....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LemonArsonist


      Yeah! Like I did! -floats away as a spookie ghosty-

    3. Calrex


      Lemon Noooo! XD

    4. Finnick


      COME BACK!

  3. Awh man. 3hp left. Will I sacrifice myself so that others can live?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LemonArsonist


      Thank you

      Here's hoping I can get a crit

    3. Calrex


      You can do it! Believe in you who believes in you!

    4. LemonArsonist


      nyeh ha ha ha xD

  4. Eeeek....4 hp's from dead T^T

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Takneil


      *protects dice gods pyres from those who would seek to destroy them*

    3. LemonArsonist



      Lemonarsonist :3

    4. Lily Heartbreaker

      Lily Heartbreaker

      As long as it does not get a hyper critical were safe! I put its base damage on one. Now we don't have to worry about it as much. If we get down to one will beg for healing crystals.

  5. So, I just got hit almost a quarter of my HP...... ow

    1. Calrex


      Oh boy don't die! *builds dice god worship pyres*

    2. LemonArsonist


      I swear....ever since Destiny the RNG gods hate me ha ha

  6. Say I want to do a quest. How does one, go about such a thing? More specifically the Secret Medicine quest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zelrius


      Yes Lemon, It is most defintely best to ask a GM. Do not ask anyone who is not one unless you actually feel so inclined. I'd like to advise to stay away from those low levels whom think they know everything there is to know.

    3. LemonArsonist


      Wow, I sense hostility there. But I got it managed by looking at other examples. Thank you both for the help though

    4. Calrex


      Lol, glad you got it going. Looks like you should be good, but as Zel said if you have any questions concerning the finer points of the game the GMs and PST are the go to. Unfortunately right now they aren't able to be on as often as before, but they're here to help :)

  7. woot woot, two 10's in a row.

    1. Calrex


      NICE! Give me some of those! XD

  8. dumb question, do posts in the OOC forum boost level in SAO?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Finnick
    3. Finnick


      (Just saw your question was answered. Sorry! )

    4. LemonArsonist


      Fwehehe It's fine. I liked being talked to anyways. :3

  9. Wishing those who have a birthday today, a happy birthday!

  10. So, I like how we mention a posting order, and then it completely falls off the grid....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LemonArsonist


      That's fine. It's not you, that's an issue.

    3. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Axios can't really be blamed either seeing how they didn't get the message and just joined. Can you forgive them Aramail..?

    4. Azrael


      I've had things to do and you're not the only one who hsn't gotten a post from me. You'll have to wait 6 more threads before you get a post. Hold your darn horses!

  11. Just looking to role play.

    1. Zeri


      I wouldn't mind...if you could start it and I'll post sometime in the morning

    2. LemonArsonist


      It's already started.

  12. =x+ LemonArsonist +x= Deceased Profile » Username: Lemonarsonist » Real name: Chris Joseph » Age: 21 » Gender: Male » Height: 6'1" » About: Chris grew up with an old family. Mostly a family that neglected to so the simple things. Like keep the house clean, or do dishes. His father was a greedy man, who worked in a soap factory. The money he made, went straight into his pocket, and he bought the things he wanted. The only money he 'gave' away was to his mother, who paid the bills and took over nearly all the paperwork. Chris's father wasn't abusive, just loud. His father would always y
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