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About Zandra

  • Title
    Berserk Healer
  • Birthday 05/27/1992

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  • Guild Name
    Aincrad Trading Post

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    You dont wanna know...

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  1. She opened her crimson eyes and stared at the wall opposite her. Still shivering, she lifted the pot high above her head and with a scream threw it thru the room. It flied thru the room and crashed into the wall, where it cracked into over a hundred tiny pieces. Each of the pieces fell onto the floor where it shattered into tiny crystals that slowly faded away. The dirt had left a mark on the wall before it had gathered in a lite pile, where on top layed the three roses. Breathing deeply, Zandra walked over to the flowers, her eyes seeing nothing except the three crimson flowers. She stopped o
  2. She sat up and kept staring out the window. Was still morning. She streatched herself as she rose and left her bed again. She let out a deep sigh. She walked over to a small table with a pot standing on it. She picked up the pot and looked at the plant. The plant in the pot was a rose. Three roses even, each one with its bright blood-red coloured leafs. For what must have been over a minute, Zandra was just standing in the room while staring at them. She closed her crimson eyes and gritted her teeths as she started to shiver. Her grip around the pot hardened as she tensed her muscles. The sun
  3. The group that was chilling and enjoying a relaxing time in the sun just a minute ago, was now splitting up to fight some beasts that had appeared on a place that should be free of that. Down at the beach, a girl swung her axe towards the three crabs that had arrived together with the mighty water creature that called himself the wave. Two of the crabs got knocked away, with a spear just centimeters from hitting them. They splashed into the water, never to return. There was still one crab that with a small clicks in the air rushed towards the girl, with revenge in its eyes. As the Waves saw wh
  4. Suddenly, everything went quiet. Among the party guests, four had gotten up to the racks and they had picked up a couple of weapons. Zandra looked across the field, even with her shoutout and the sudden push, there were many that still haven't even reacted to the change of event. It seemed not many were interested in another game. Should she stop it and say there was something interrupting and making it so the enemy isn't spawning? Though she hesitated for too long. The silly music stopped playing. The crystals stopped vibrating and no sound was heard from them anymore. A movement was see
  5. She let out a loud laugh. Oh my god how far she had come. One day, she was just a little beginner adventure with crappy weapons, crappy arm… or did she even had armor? Then she first of all in this death world, she reached the highest possible level, as well as her proffession rank. She also had alot of superstrong weapons and armors in her inventory. Another giggle let out of her mouth. She highly doubted that was still the case. There was probably alot of players out there that had both reached up to her level as well as passed it. Was she still worth to even keep her title? To keep her plac
  6. During her time in the death game, she had been in life threatening danger countless times. But also, countless times she had broken out of the situation. Many times it have been her trusty axe doing it, or the whip. Even at her earliest day, it have been the dear dagger. She swiped a few times in the air and a curbed piece of metal with a wooden handle appeared in her hand. Her very own claw. The first weapon she had ever bought. How many enemy have stood infront of her while she faced them with only a grin on her face. And how many enemies have then been falling to their death by the same to
  7. Also, thanks to her long journey, back in the earlier days she could get an item from combat to affect her crafting, that wasnt available nowadays. This was actually one of her proudest skills. Or no, on second thought, there was something else she was way more famous for. When she remembered it, another grin grew on her lips. She had even got a title. The title was: Zandra, the berserk healer! She threw herself back on top of the bed. Her chest rose as she took a deep breath of nostalgia. How could she have forgot that? That have after all been her life when she have been playing the game. Pl
  8. She had actually become one if not the greatest alchemist in the whole current world she was in. Even a small smile appeared on her face as she remembered her travel as an alchemist. All the way from when she just had a little cart as her store, that she also used as home by sleeping under it. All the way to where she is by now, with probably one of the most well-known alchemist stores there was. Where she had been selling all type of potions and crystals and also been following a crafters journey. Several years ago, she could craft some different enchantments to her crafts, with free choice t
  9. She been also been battle for others to not end their lifes thru any means necessary. Both thru strength of arms, intelligence, physically and any other possible means. Thou she had actually been the cause of some of the deaths herself. Thou those events have been haunting her, haunting her for all her time in this world of deaths. All those years. Actually, how many years have it become by now? How many years have she spent fighting for survival. Fighting to not give up to the cardinal. She was together with the other guys and girls, fighting on the frontlines. Fighting to one day reach floor
  10. ‘’What?! No!? It cant be true!!!’’ she shouts out to herself. All the memories of her past hit her in one time. Striked her right in the face, like beeing crashed into a car in 120 kilometers an hour. ‘’No! No! No no no no!’’ She said once again. Her crimson red eyes started to shine. They was getting moist. She didnt wanted this to be true. It couldnt be true. But the worst thing of all, it WAS true! Her wet eyes got filled and the tears started to roll down her cheeks. All these years, she had worked forward, she had increased her stats, she had been stronger and stronger. She worked hard, s
  11. Zandra opens her eyes as they got met by a strong light. She covers them with her arm to not be blinded as she sits up in her two-person bed. At first, she dont remember where she is. She dont have any memory of her bed beeing this big and soft back in her small apartment where she had spent so many years. She looks down on the big, soft, cool, red quilt. Then when she takes another look to her left side, where the big two-person bed does not have any fellow mate, it strikes her. She is stuck in a game! She quickly stands up from her bed, her eyes scanning the room she have actually
  12. Zandra sat on one of the tables as her eyes scanned across the area. Most people seemed to have been drawn to the beach, were they thinking she had hid all the crystals under the sand? Well some were there of course. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she opened the screen in front of her. Her eyes darted back and forth to make sure no one was watching her way. She even let out a silent little giggle as her hand danced across the floating screen. She had been waiting long enough now, time to give them all a little surprise. She had made sure there were no wild mobs in the area, but that did
  13. The bear was shattering crystals and faded out. Turned out that they did winned after all. Another victory without any casualties. Her eyes was looking upwards as her thoughts was thinking. Would they ever reach the outside? How much time will it take? How much time had it been taken out there? What would happen to everyone in this room now? So many questions and so few answers. Her focus changed to Freyd as she herd him say her name. “Well, it was why I was here.” she said tiredly with a nod. Her teammates started to leave the place one by one until only Wulfrin was there. “Yeah, guess this i
  14. Zandra had her eyes focused on the bear. The pale white showing the players one thing, pain. She looked at the bear, seeing the wound covered fur. For just a few moments, her mind hesitated. Was it really the right thing to do? What Callisto did was just what she had been programmed to do by the developers of the game. But the hesitation lasted for less then half a second, this was not the time to be weak. Her left fingers quickly grabbed another one of her crystals. She had probably used more of then today then all other boss fights together. Even still, off the ones she had brought, not
  15. Zandras eyes scanned across the beach, the field and the nearby forest. She actually got a little surprised of how many it was that decided to join in on the hunt, searching for crystals. Seemed most have started to search the beach and digging holes to find them. Almost all of the ones she had hidden there had been found. A quick glance towards one of the tables and she did see that one of the plates tilted, like it was laying over something. There was also a faint shine in one of the trees that it seemed noone had yet to find. A smile on her lips when she remembered last time she had arrange
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