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Greg Baxen

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About Greg Baxen

  • Birthday 03/01/1997

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    Computer Games, Anime, Manga.

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  1. ...Ugh, being unable to go onto the chatroom stinks.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Trying to now, Skype's being a bit laggy, though...

    3. Xion


      Greg can you stop having a hissy fit and announcing it to the whole bloody site? Nobody wants to hear you moaning and in sure that very few care 

    4. Lessa


      ^ That's not very nice.

  2. And ONCE AGAIN I get unfairly treated by Mods due to them preferring Zelrius over me. It's just not fair that He did what everyone else claimed i was doing and got away with it scot-free, just because 'I had the last post'. That's a terrible excuse, and downright unfair.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      It's angered me so much that I've posted in the support forums for it. This misconduct of Lowenthal, Tristan and Zero is flat-out unfair and should be, to be frankly honest against the rules. Their verdict was built on ignorance and laziness instead of fully looking into the situation.

    3. Erm


      It is much deeper than just them. Seems like there is a clique within the staff and they run everything without being even remotely qualified for it. 

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Erm as Zeke the entire staff can agree that you were explicitly rude and misbehaved, you cannot circumvent that and that is all there is to it.

      Greg, the entire chat told you to stop and drop the topic yet you remained at it. To quote only part of the conversation so as to strengthen your sympathy attempt is bad practice. You were warned multiple times and kept at it, when it was a simple act of not typing about it.

      We simply kicked you to cool down, you have not been forbidden to re enter.

      Zelrius receives no special treatment, he's recently been kicked from chat a few times to cool down himself.

      Any further issues must be reported to staff directly. If you feel staff has misbehaved, message Shark.

      Locking this status to avoid spiralling into drama.

  3. @Lowenthal Are ya happy now?! You spooked me so much that I had to resort to power levelling with Ssendom's help. Not cool, bro. Not cool.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mack


      Or, you could have asked your new GUILDMATES to help you.

      Just sayin'.

    3. Ssendom


      Dom is kewler

    4. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      @Mack Except the very person that spooked me IS one of said new guildmates.

  4. Here's the thread: 

    It's for the quest <The Essence of Steel>, which will not only get me EXP but allow me to upgrade my weapon.

  5. I need to be re-added to the Skype Chat considering something I only meant as a joke (Which I made clear with an xD before hand, so there was no room for misunderstanding) apparently was extremely offensive to Zero, enough so for him to kick me from the group. He didn't even tell me in no unclear terms that it was annoying him that much. Neosonic97 is skype name, again. (Oh, and uh, sorry for the Necro. if Zero hadn't forced my hand I wouldn't have done it).
  6. Curse my inability to randomly ask people if they want to RP and curse my inability to write exceedingly long pieces of text! CURSE THEM BOTH!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      I dunno. I'm just not used to taking the initiative and it feels weird to do so.

      Anyways, decided to make an OP. I don't think I have to worry about being PK'd in it considering I don't THINK I've made any enemies that would probably want me dead.

    3. Seul


      Rules for pvp in OPs changed the other day so you should be fine.

    4. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Unless someone's PKing for the sake of PKing nobody should have a reason to kill me in the first place. Even so, it's good to know that if somebody comes who acts threatening, I can just bail outta there before they get a chance to kill me.

  7. Gah, I've been too inactive, but I have trouble doing SPs and I'm not sure how an OP would go down. Anybody want to RP with me or...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Macradon


      Well, let's go on one you would like to get finished!

    3. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Bandit Camp, then?

    4. Macradon
  8. Ugh, I've been too inactive, I need to start RPing again. Problem being that I don't know who to RP with.

    1. Macradon


      Hey, I know this guy who would love to RP with you.

      He's known as @Macradon, but I don't know when he's on.


    2. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      But YOU'RE Macradon.

    3. Macradon


      Damn ... busted

  9. Currently playing Metal Slug Defense in an attempt to get the zombie versions of Tarma, Eri and Fio.

  10. #Santahatplague

    Shizuka infected me with a kiss.

  11. I figured out a way you could pwn me in the PVP Arena without killing me, and the best part is it's guaranteed, even with crits factored in.

  12. I'm scared. I'm about to fight Zelrius in a PVP Duel.

    Best case scenario: I somehow against all odds pull off a win despite my pathetic damage in contrast.

    Worst Case Scenario: Zelrius kills me by accident.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zelrius


      Again, in fear of accidentally killing you or something go awry (Like a Stray critical doing more damage than I intend,) I personally do not want to go Orange. Thank you very much.

    3. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Well, I figured out a way you could do it without killing me, regardless of whether Crits occur or not, as it seems I misinterpretted duels.

    4. Greg Baxen

      Greg Baxen

      Oh yeah, and I see ZelriusxErinVyce being a thing, based on your behaviour in said thread.

  13. Can you add me? Username is Neosonic97. I won't be able to attend the calls (Don't have a webcam) but I can chat.
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