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Posts posted by Ferrah

  1. At the sound of her name a slight, barely noticeable flush started to spread across her cheeks. It was due to the embarrassment that Ferrah was now feeling. In the game asking for a name was obsolete. All someone had to do was inspect the lettering that floated about a foot over another players head. Even after only being the game for a couple days it had started to feel like real life. There was some part of her that worried that one day, she might not even remember the real world. That was, if she was alive that long.

    "It's nice to officially meet you Zeke." Ferrah replied with a slight smile. "Sure am. It must be fate." It was meant to be a joke of some sort. Although Ferrah did believe in fate. The fact that people meet other people for a reason. Her prediction about the meeting was perhaps...a friend. It was that or fate was just playing games with her, like normal. Curious about his level Ferrah took a quick glance at his time. Focusing she was able to see that he was relatively close to her own level. (Interesting.)

    Behind Zeke the line shifted forward. Now Ferrah was struggling to find something to say. Asking about real life was out of the question since she didn't know him well enough and that would appear to be weird. "Have you ever done anything like this before?" She questioned while guesting for him to move forward.

  2. Only a couple minutes had passed and Farreh had began to feel much better. For some reason, during those couple minutes, her mind had wondered to the male that she had run into twice that morning. He gave the impression of being a well-mannered and pleasant individual. Even if on the nervous side. Ferrah hoped, more like prayed, that he would not be one of those people that was seen once and then never again.

    While pondering some more a message suddenly appeared in her inbox. For just a moment all Ferrah could do was stare. Getting messages was rare occurrence for her simply because she lacked people to send her messages. This happened to be one the downsides of being what others would call a 'lone wolf'. The message read: "It's almost time, come sign up for the special event: battle for benevolence. Players will be picked on a random scale depending on if they are under level ten still or not. The event will consist of a ten player style tournament for the prize of one strengthening elixir. This item can be applied to any weapon under the same level of ten to become enhanced beyond it's normal stat parameters. This will be extremely useful for those finding it hard to level up and opens the target area widely for higher level monsters that give more experience. Again, come now before the event starts in ten minutes or you will lose your chance to participate!"

    Within seconds Ferrah was sitting up and re-reading the message, just to make sure that nothing had been missed. By the time she was done re-reading it a teleportantion crystal was in her hand and she was gone. Appearing in Town Center Ferrah was surprised to find that several people were already in line. Gliding over she took the next spot and started to wait. For some reason she was unable to shake the feeling that she knew the person in front of her. (Who...) Then it hit her. The boy from before. This would be the perfect time to get a name.

    "Excuse me," Ferrah started while tapping his shoulder, "What's your name?"

  3. Within the Starting City there were several squares that were decorated with ornaments. For instance, some had statues while others may have had a garden. Ferrah's favorite just happened to be the one with that fountain in the middle. The fountain itself was made of marble with a circular base and then two more circular levels above that got smaller and smaller. Water sprayed from the top and then would cascaded over the smallest dish into the middle. Which then landed in the larger. The best thing about this fountain was that it had a think ledge around the base.

    On the northern most ledge sat Ferrah, who was lazily stretched out with one foot propped up and then a hand playing with the water. Her eyes were closed and a frown adorned her features due to the frustration that was coursing through her system. Working with the shop owner had not gone as hoped. At first, the man had been unwilling to even glace at the map. But once Ferrah had convinced him to at least take a peek, he insisted it was nothing. Then he attempted to buy it back. When buying it didn't work he had proceeded to try and threaten her. At that point Ferrah just walked out, vowing to herself to never work with that man ever again.

    And that was how she ended at the Fountain.

    The sound of water falling always had a calming effect on the girl. It sounded like rain. And rain brought back memories of piling in the living room with Vincent. Both drinking hot chocolate and just listening to the sound of thunder and rain, while the lightening flashed. "I wonder if it ever rains here..."

  4. It was now or never.

    Not even bothering to put the sword away Ferrah took off into the mountains. After about a half a mile she then hid behind a boulder and waited. Just in case the Troll attempted to try and find her. Minute after minute passed and no troll. Then there was a rumbling. Peeking around where she was hiding Ferrah watched in amazement as the Troll stood...and then proceeded to reattach itself to the mountain. Before her eyes the Troll became invisible once more as it melded with the mountain. (That will never get old.)

    Exhaling and relaxing, Ferrah the took out the map to find where she was. Still near the entrance of the mountains. Which means she needed to go more toward the left or the right. What she needed to do to find a ShadowCat was stay near the outskirts of the mountains. Near ledges and outcrops. That was where they lived. Normally, they were also solitary creatures, expect during mating season. Now it was matter of which way to go. More left or more right.

    Left: Even

    Right: Odd

  5. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion Ferrah frowned slightly. Why was he apologizing? In her mind, running into him had clearly been her fault, not his. There was no need. But it was strange to see him again in such a short amount of time. In SAO, it was fairly normal to run into people once and then never see them again. Ferrah didn't like to think of why might be.

    And now he was explaining himself. Mentally, the girl was chuckling at the fact that he felt the need too. It was charming. The main thing was that he was nervous though. And Ferrah wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe last time they met she had accidentally offended him in some type of manner. Or maybe he thought she was pretty...definitely the first option. After watching him struggle for a minute Ferrah decided that she should help him. Right as she was about to ask him name, he excused him again. Just as quickly as last time. "Or not."Ferrah mumbled to the now empty space. Resisting the urge to turn around and search for him, Ferrah continued on. (Next time, if there is one, I'm getting his name.)

    It took a couple minutes to get to the shop, but one she did, Ferrah took a deep breath and righted herself. This was the worst person to deal with. Greedy and Misogyistic to an extent. She had been hoping to never deal with him again after their last encounter, but alas her luck was not such. Eyes hardening and taking a deep breath, Ferrah walked into the shop.

  6. Standing in the middle of the road Ferrah couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, but seconds later, it was gone. (Must be my imagination.) She thought dismissively while eyeing the map once more. For some reason, there was a strange black mark in the middle of the map. Rubbing her finger against it the dot continued to stay in place. It happened to be right in the middle of the Forrest region. (How annoying.)

    The more Ferrah stared at it, the more her instincts were telling her to go there.

    She wanted an answer, which left the man who had sold the map to her to begin with. He was all the way on the other side of town. But this was well worth it. Spinning on her heel, and being lost in thought was never a good combination for her Ferrah. Moments after turning around she found herself running into the chest of someone. That certainly broke her train of thought. Rubbing her nose, as if it was sore, Ferrah then looked up to see who exactly she had run into. Aquamarine eyes. "You..." For a second Ferrah just stared at in complete shock. (Why is he here?) Her mind kicked back into shape when Ferrah realized that she had been staring too long. "I'm sorry about that."

  7. There was no time to actually move so Ferrah did the first thing that came to mind. She hit the floor. Laying on her stomach, cheek pressed in to the hard earth she then felt something swing right over her body. Her hood had flown off at the sheer force, letting her ebony black hair free. But there was no time to fix it. Eye dilating and adrenaline coursing through her veins Ferrah then rolled over and hopped back up.

    Not even a second later a foot had been where Ferrah was laying. It was right behind her now. Every sense was screaming at her to run, to hide, to do something besides stand there. So she did. It's right arm was coming at her while the other one was attempting to block all exits. Trying to trap her. The only thing it did't think about was the space between it's legs. Right as the hand open to grab her Ferrah stole backwards. The hand grabbed thin air and she was now behind the Troll once more. The creature seemed to hesitate for a second, staring at the spot she had once been. It seemed to confused. Another smirk.

    Getting a couple slashes in on the back of it's knees, the Troll then fell forward and landed on it's knees. Making and upwards thrust Ferrah watched as the sword sliced into the creatures back. Another cry. Momentarily, she found herself feeling bad for it. This creature was not intelligent. If she were going to steal away, now would be the time.

    Sneak away: Even

    Continue to fight: Odd

  8. Not even two seconds had passed and he was already excusing himself. But there had been a plus side. His bored expression was replaced by a small smile before falling back to bored once more. At least he was friendly and not rude like other players she had met in the world. One's who act like they are kings and that she should apologize when they obviously ran into her. Watching as he went around her Ferrah then shrugged and started back walking. Completely oblivious to the fact that the boy was now behind her.

    Meanwhile her mind was on what exactly to do now. Leveling up was always and option. But right that moment Ferrah didn't really feel like it. Then it occurred to her. Stopping right dead center of the street Ferrah snapped her fingers as an idea came to her. "The Rivers." It just so happens that recently she had acquired a map of Rivers on Floor one. This was because collecting maps was kind a hobby. Something to do in her spear time. Plus, she enjoyed traveling so map collecting had been the perfect option.

    Accessing her menu, a stream of pixels appeared in her hand creating a map. Opening it Ferrah then began to start to track a route in her mind.

  9. One minute Ferrah was sitting, and then the next she was falling. Landing on her back with a small 'thud', she then proceeded to lay there for a minute to gain her bearings. Suddenly a boy with light greens eyes and chocolate brown hair appeared over her, asking if she was okay. At that moment Ferrah let out a sigh before nodding. "Yeah. I'm good." Right after a yawn escape passed her lips. "Excuse me."

    As if to prove her point she then proceeded to stand up to her full height of 5'6". Not very tall. Or intimidating. That didn't mean that players could under estimate her. Ferrah's small stature provided quick and agile movements. Something that was quite useful when fighting. At least she thought so, since it was what helped her survive that long.

  10. Sitting in the local bakery, at a table occupied by just her, Ferrah smiled as the aroma of freshly baked sweets filled her nose. This was the best, and only, bakery in town. It was known for is daily freshly made goods, especially the coffee cake, which was her favorite. Taking a bite of the delicious morsel that sat in front of her Ferrah began to think about what life had been like since entering the game. For starters, it had been quiet. No brother consistently singing or parents calling to see how she was doing. In fact, it was rather surprising to find that as much as those actions had annoyed her, she now missed them. Not that Ferrah would ever say that out loud. She was much to proud for that.

    After finishing, it wasn't long until restlessness kicked it. That was due to the new lifestyle of SAO where players were consistently fighting monsters in order to survive. Which Ferrah planned on doing. Dying in the game was not something that she wanted. Her family and friends were on the other side just waiting for her to come back. She knew it. "Thinking of which, I have more work to do." Standing and stretching, Ferrah waved to the NPC, who said some generic response at her leaving, and then took to the streets.

    Where someone ran into her.

    Stumbling back slightly Ferrah found herself staring at a boy with two shining aquamarine orbs and dark hair. It was him apologizing that brought her back to reality. Letting silence, which didn't really bother her, continue Ferrah proceeded to right the hood over her head before speaking. "It's fine. The answer held a tone of indifference for Ferrah could really care less.

  11. Upon getting to the top of the trolls arm Ferrah then thrust the beginners blade forward. The glowing blade cut through the stone like it was butter. Inwardly, she was cheering, but outwardly a smirk just decorated her features as the creature wailed in pain. Hands coming toward it's face in an attempt to get her off Ferrah then jerked the sword out, which caused another cry of anguish, before leaping off it's shoulder and safely rolling back on the ground. Where like a spring she bounced back up and waited. The thing is, Ferrah was patient. If it could be helped she would not attack first. It was easier to gauge someone, or something's, action of one watched and waited.

    Holding it's head, the mountain troll then started to growl in anger. Spinning around to face her it revealed ugly misshapen teeth as it's lip curled up to growl once more. Looks like she had made it angry. Another good thing. When angry, people no longer begin to think about their actions. Which had it's up's and down's. In this case though Ferrah was going to look at it on the plus side.

    This time, the troll took it's left arm and swung it back beside it before starting to bring it forward once more. Much like a baseball player does with a bat. In that case, she was must be the ball.

    Dodge: 1-5

    Get hit: 6-10

  12. It was just as Ferrah had predicted. Not even a second after getting though the mountain pass, the whole thing had begun to shake. Stumbling and crashing into the wall Ferrah was in total shock when part of the mountain started to detach itself. Next thing she knew, there was a piece of the mountain staring down at her. Only...it had appendages. And a mouth. Suddenly a loud moaning started to reverberate though air and the words {Mountain Troll} appeared over it's head. "That is just my luck."

    Then a rocky fist was heading toward the spot where she was standing.

    Letting out a small cry, Ferrah was barely able to move before it came crashing into the ground. Little cracks appeared around the area of impact. All she could do was stare. Never before had anything like this ever been faced. It was different and on a whole new level. Doubt began to cloud her mind as panic was closely setting in. The fist picking itself back up was like a dream. What knocked her out of that dream was her brother's voice echoing inside her brain, telling her to "be careful." It was that thing he had said to her before leaving the house. Snorting through her nose Ferrah faced the troll with her head head high and sword drawn. In a sudden movement Ferrah was running up the arm of the troll, blade raised and heading for it's head.

    Hit: Even #

    Miss: Odd #

  13. As always, Ferrah had woken up very early that morning to go to the training fields. It was an attempt to beat the crowds that always ensured as soon as the late morning would come. And of course, that morning had been no different. Since having been up early than most, but the time of the mid morning came Ferrah tended to be tired. It just so happened, that the perfect tree for sleep was just a couple of feet away.

    Climbing up the the trees with little difficulty Ferrah settled herself in the top branches and then let her her eyes fall closed. Her body relaxed and the breaths that left her body began to get slower and slower. Being a light sleeper, she wasn't concerned for the fact that she was sleeping right in the middle of the training fields.

    That was until something rammed into the tree. It nearly knocked her off. But in her desperation as to not fall Ferrah actually ended up hitting her head. "Ow..." she murmured to the herself as she rubbed the spot. Swing both feet over the branch and sitting up, Ferrah was surprised to find two other players at the bottom of the tree. Over their heads read {Zelrius} and {Takuto}. Interesting.

  14. Spending nights out of towns was something that Ferrah would never recommend to another player. Unless they were with a other players or of a higher level. The chances of coming across high level monsters, or even Player Killers, was highly possible. And when outside of town, it was easy for them to make you their pray. It was just because of that fact that Ferrah had barely slept that night. Sure, she was a light sleeper anyways, but one could never be too careful. Beginning to pack up Ferrah silently began to hope that what the gypsy had said was, indeed, true.

    Once the space was clear of all evidence that someone had been here, Ferrah started on her way once more. Sometimes, just walking got boring. In order to entertain herself she would begin to hum random songs that would pop into her head. Most happened to be from her brother's favorite band, David Mattews Brothers. Whenever she was around, Vincent would continuous play them, just to get on her nervous. When Ferrah's frustration was expressed Vincent would just simply laugh. How she missed Vincent's light-hearted attitude. Before she knew it, memories of the fun times they had together were flashing before Ferrah's eyes. Smiling sadly, she kicked the nearest rock and tried to distract herself.

    The rest of that day was spent in silence. No monsters. No player killers.

    When night fell once more she had arrived at the mountain pass. Making camp in the shadows of the rocky structures she began to prepare herself for the next day. Things were going to get harder from here on out.

  15. It had been two days.

    And for those two days Ferrah had been trekking across the map in order to get to the mountain region of level one. By this time, the once shadowy bulk had now begun to take on actual features. For instance, if focusing hard enough, she could see some of the remains of civilization. Even at this distance, it gave off a feeling of...eeriness. Sure, it was just a bunch of rocks and old stone, but for some reason it caused a shiver to travel through her bones. If all all possible, any Ruins would be avoided. God only knew what creatures lurked in such deserted grounds.

    It wasn't long till dusk began to fall over the region. At that point, it was time to find some shelter. After all, it was basic knowledge that when the sun went down, all the unsavory monsters came out to play. Finding an adequate space, a fire and tent were then set into place. Taking a seat by the fire, Ferrah then accessed her menu and acquired a loaf of bread and water. Dinner. Taking out the map as well she began to study it.

    What she was searching for wasn't exactly dangerous. They were known to only hunt human's in their grounds if they were starving or desperate. They don't really attack, but lurk in the shadows of the dark, stalking and observing. What she was seeking, was a ShadowCat.

  16. Sitting at a back table near the wall, Ferrah exhaled while staring at the piece of paper that laid directly in front of her. It was a map. Not just any map either but one that identified the location of a particular creature. Why was she staring at this map? Well, that very morning, a gypsy had told her a very interesting tale. One where if a player fed any creature, it will become their familiar. A companion. And that is what drew her to this quest. Ferrah would never admit this out loud, but over the last couple days, an aching feeling of loneliness had begun. She had tried to push it down, but it would just come back worse than before. Which lead her to where she was now, attempting to go some insane (maybe not even true) quest to find a companion.

    There was only one problem.

    The creature that she was trying to acquire was in the mountainous region of floor one. A place known for it's Ruins and higher level monsters. At only level two, there was a real possibly of not coming back. With a small laugh and a shrug Ferrah stood up from the table, map in hand, and left out the front door.

  17. Three times.

    Three times her sword had missed it’s mark.

    This time, a low growl reverberated from her chest in frustration. Everything was being done right, Ferrah was absolutely sure this time. Yet it had yet to make it’s mark. Sure, she had never in her life used a sword, but that shouldn't be affecting the targeting system. While turning thoughts over and over, much like a taffy machine, Ferrah had yet to take a glance away from her foe. Too much was on the line to get distracted.

    Heaving in a large sigh in an attempt to calm herself down, she then did something without thinking. Raising the sword once more she began to run at the boar. This time, the sword glowed a greenish color. Leaping at the boar, the sword came down. This time it hit. It let out a screeching noise and the disappearing in shattered pixel. Ferrah stared at the spot the boar had once been and then at the sword. What?

    Opening the manual, which had been given to every player, she began to scan through it in an attempt to find out what had just happened. After a couple seconds she paused, eyes flying across the page. It was her answer. Apparently, it was a Rage Attack. When a players focus become high it created a high powered attack. Making a mental note about that Ferrah then headed back toward town. A new weapon was in order. One that was more...familiar.

  18. It charged.

    The boars hooves thumped against the ground in a rhythmic beat. Ferrah knew that it would not take but a mere second for the boar to close the short distance between them. She had to think fast if she didn’t want to lose any HP. Since that was the case, there was only a couple choices.

    As much as she wanted to stand there and face her prey head-on, her body had a different idea. Right as it was about to fully ram into her, she just simply side stepped. That was the thing about boars. Once that start charging they can no longer chance course. Which, in turn, leaves them open to an attack from behind. Stupid animals. Swinging the sword in a downward arch Ferrah hoped that this time it hit it’s mark.

    Hit: Even

    Miss: Odd

  19. Coming up behind the creature Ferrah swung the blade in a upward slice. It came close to hitting its target, but did not make contact. For just a second, silence seemed to make the air heavy. It was only the slight disturbance of the wind rustling her hair that made her jolt of the shocked state.

    What happened after that seemed to be in slow motion.

    The boar, which she had attempted to hit, was now turning around. It’s eyes had turned red in anger and it’s appearance was now menacing. With a frown decorating her features Ferrah couple steps back and then raised the sword once more. She didn't understand. Everything had been done correctly, right? Eye narrowing in frustration, she glared at the creature as it began to rev it’s hooves on the ground, preparing to charge. Sticking her feet firmly to the ground she prepared herself for what was to come next.

    Dodge: 1-3

    Dodge and hit: 4-6

    Attack: 7-10

  20. White billowy clouds passed above in a lazy fashion as a light wind from the south urged them along. The grass swayed back and forth as it was pulled and then released it once more but the same exact current. The act in itself was creating the a wave like illusion. Sunshine beamed down on the open Grasslands, providing warmth and light for all under it’s rays. That also included that boar that was peacefully and innocently munching on the silken turf.

    It had taken several minutes to find this particular specimen. As to why no one had hopped on the chance to attack the unsuspecting creature, Ferrah didn't know, but she was not going to pass up this golden opportunity. Silent as the night her sword was drawn from the scabbard on her left hip and held blade out to her side. It glistened dangerously as the sun’s rays beat down on it. It may have been a beginner's sword, but it would work all the same. Closing her eyes and taking a deep calming breath, in through her mouth and out through her nose, she then opened her eyes and then rushed at her prey.

    Attack hit’s:1-5

    Attack misses: 6-10

  21. After finding out what Ferrah had gotten myself into, heading to the training fields had been a quick decision. And at the time, a smart one. But as she began to enter the grounds it didn't take long for her to realize that it was also a common decision. Avatars of all shapes and sizes were right on top of each other. Monsters that were once prevalent in the Grasslands were now a commodity. In other words, it was completely and utterly packed with desperate souls trying to level up.

    And she couldn't blame them.

    After all, she too had come here for the exact same reason as they had. Survival. Death in this game now meant certain death in the outside world. The chance to see loved ones again could be gone in a single moment. With that thought, a new fire started to burn rapidly through Ferrah's system. Dying was not an option that she was willing to accept. At least not without a fight. She wanted...no needed to see her family again. With a new resolve, her emerald green eyes steeled over and proceeded to search for unsuspecting prey.

  22. I figured as much. Although, you won't be the the first to ask for my heart from over the internet...I'm totally kidding. Promise. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading my bio (at least someone did. Lol) and I thank you for your hunch! Hopefully we can Rp together and find out if it's true. :)

    Over all, thank you for the warm and strange (but entertaining) welcome. So far, it's been really fun!

    And I have to agree. Zeke has been very friendly and helpful! :)

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