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Everything posted by Blacksweettart

  1. Profile Username: Rayven Real name: Raven Madison Age: 18 Gender: Female Height: 5' 3" About: History/personality Daughter of a government official and a fashion designer who spent too little time with their children Raven found company in her 5 years younger brother, A
  2. I would love to RP with you guys again, but I keep getting this ex0 error and can't see/access the forums. :c

    1. Calrex



      Just did a quick check, it might be some Erron or Shark might be able to look into. Hopefully it gets resolved soon so you can get back to RPing :)

  3. Really sorry, but not going to be on today.

  4. just physically drained ~_~' -bleh

  5. I'm back! . . . . well sorta

    1. Calrex


      Welcome back!

    2. Yami


      Welcome back :)

  6. Yay! Ice cream! = ^ - ^ =

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Good for summery times such as these ☀

    2. Lowenthal
    3. Calrex


      Taaasty! XD, unfortunately my weather here is cold, so not exactly the best idea :P

  7. Tis I! The terribly shy and timid Black Sweetheart! (aka Sweets) =^ - ^=
  8. Tired, but not in the mood to sleep =P

    1. Jomei


      Me too xD

  9. =3 Glad to be back, even if just for a little bit.

    1. Ssendom


      Welcome back.

  10. Breakfast for Champs! Leftover brats and BBQ corn chips from last night's grill out!

    1. Azrael
    2. Alucard66


      MOM NOM NOM NOM!!!

    3. XWuZHeAR


      I gotta go to my baseball banquet today which means mad food

  11. I'm a newbie to all this, would someone like to rp?

    1. Zelrius


      I'll take you up on that offer

  12. Kiyoko, The Black Sweet Heart Profile » Username: Black Sweet Heart » Real name: Kiyoko Tomoko » Age: 16 » Gender: Female » Height: 4'7" » About: History/personality As the second child to a fairly well off family she was the baby and was more spoiled than her older brother. As they got older her parents lessened their spoils by giving them both an allowance to teach them what it really meant to earn something, but being the youngest had it’s benefits Kiyoko could bat an eyelash and still get whatever she wanted. Use to getting whatever daddy could give her she never really w
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