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About Astrid.

  • Birthday 01/09/1999

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  • Interests
    sports anime (mainly haikyuu), undertale, and hamilton the musical

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  1. Apologies to anyone who is waiting for a post from me, or a pm. My grandfather passed away this week and his funeral was yesterday, so I've been avoiding most social platforms. Sorry again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hirru


      Take your time.

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Sincerest condolences Mamzel Astrid.

    4. Kiru


      Astrid!!!!! It's been so long, I miss you. Please take your take and rest in peace to your grandfather, I'm so sorry. 

  2. Guess who got better looking while they were gone Hint, it was me
  3. I'm tempted to start rping here again

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hirru


      Always willing to throw some rping around.

    3. Helios


      Do it, I dare you.

    4. Lee_Song-Fang


      Always need more Role Playingness

  4. I'm currently sick, which means I have tons of free time. hmu if you wanna role play

  5. Up until last month, I had my hair a bunch of colours. I originally had dyed it hot pink, light pink, violet, yellow, and orange, but somehow some of the coloours changed, and I had blue and green as well? Also grey? But now my hair is blonde. I'll be changing it soon though. :>
  6. Thorrissia: I'm sorrry ;A; But you shouldn't have self esteem issues because you're beautiful~~ Grave: Thank you? You'd have to fly to a tiny island in Europe though.
  7. Yami: You're a musician??? And attractive??? And also good at role playing??? Shouldn't it be illegal for a person to be that amazing? Kiru: I feel v honored. Especially since you're hot as heck. :> I have more pictures of moi.
  8. *gets sick the day I'm supposed to work maid shifts* nice. thanks life. just what I wanted. to be stuck in bed. -.-

    1. Grave


      Awe, hope you get better!

    2. Astrid.


      Thank you!

  9. Ashtver: It's 100% a compliment. What I mean is that you're so attractive that I'm jealous. It wasn't an insult at all. Yami: Post a pic! I'd love to see what you look like. Kiru: Aaaa, thank you. You're quite amazing and beautiful yourself! Tristan: Your hair is so pretty. *.* I'm extremely jealous.
  10. Thorrissia: thank you! I bet you're also quite beautiful Lessa: you're really attractive, aaaaaaaa Beatbox: you honestly look really handsome. you have a really nice nose uvu Ashtver: um, put your face away, because it's super great. you kind of remind me of Chris Colfer Somehow the impossible has happened and I looked more attractive than usual. sure, I put in circle lenses and did my makeup, but still I put the jacket on because it was aesthetically pleasing, and then proceeded to die shortly after the pictures were taken
  11. *feels like trash for disappearing* *hopes to make up for it by cranking out replies*

  12. Apparently my depression is all my fault, and I dont actually have it, all my symptoms are just a bunch of other stuff, and I just really want pills, according to my mother.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zelrius


      I am sorry to hear people can be that inconsiderate. Get better soon

    3. Astrid.


      Thank you both

    4. Yami


      I'm really sorry, I hope you will get better :)

  13. everyone should give Kazuya lots of love because, honestly, he's a wonderful person

    1. Kiru


      and so are you.

      On the serious side, he is.

    2. Helios


      He can have my love.

    3. Zelrius


      Probably not

  14. Depression snuck up on me, so replies will be slow/late

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Astrid.
    3. Jomei


      Feel better Astrid! Go and kick depression in the ass :) you know you have friends here to cheer you up if you need it

    4. Astrid.


      I'll do my best

      Thank you for your support~

  15. extremely happy that all states of America now have equal marriage rights~~ #lovewins

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Astrid.


      You do that Mari~~ <3

    3. Helios


      Mari, go home, you're drunk.

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