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About Hasai

  • Birthday 08/07/1994

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  1. Windows 10 is quite fancy. I like it.

  2. Alright... Finally decided to upgrade to Windows 10!!!

    Progress: 54%

    1. Paglikha


      After that, it takes another 2 cycles. Trust me, I know.

  3. Feeling so lazy right now... Like..... I don't want to do anything xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Takao


      feeling lazy is my default state of being.

    3. Hasai


      Like I have threads to reply to, and stuff to do... But I just don't feel like doing it... So I don't x3

    4. Takao


      ah well, no rush. forcing yourself to post is the worst.

  4. Hasai you look a lot like my sister when she was blonde. <3 You are very pretty. And happy birthday for yesterday! 

    1. Hasai


      Awww =^-^= Thanks sweetie <3

  5. ◕ ◡ ◕ 

    Cutest Emoticon alive....

    1. Vasth


      PFFFTTT PLzzzzz 

      Mine (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚

    2. Thorrissia


      I am the cutest emoticon alive. 

  6. I'm going to kill you...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Thorrissia


      You have an unusual choice in friends :p 

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      *chuckles in amusement*

    4. Yami


      ... Sounds like fun.

  7. Going to be "house sitting" almost all day tomorrow, although I will be doing some stuff for about 2-3 hours :3 Going to be alone with nothing to do but be on my phone :3

    1. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      You can always harass me on Skype as I have nothing planned for the rest of the day lol

    2. Hasai


      Harassment mode activated

  8. Kiru: I was so excited! I was like: Hype! Hype! Until I opened the spoiler x3 Alice: You are such a cutie :3 I am instantly jealous!
  9. She walked in and smiled at the girl behind the counter, she had had her eye on this shop for a while now, and she took it upon herself to finally order a new battle dress to wear, obviously it would look like her current wear. She fixed her pigtails, as she looked at the two posters on the wall, with a grin, she noticed a cute little lion. She was tempted to pet it, but she knew it could bite her. She walked up to the girl, to place her order. She set a bag of col on the counter, for the girl to take. Making a show of paying before hand. -1200 col Item: Battle DressItem type : Light armorQual
  10. I adore the new site looks <3

  11. Listening to a mix up of Let It Go, and Let Her Go

    1. Hirru


      SAO version: Let me go! Let me go! I don't wanna be here anymo~re!

  12. Finally found my muse for Hasai ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calrex


      Uh...not sure if I should ask why that is XD

    3. Hasai


      x3 I have to reach level 40 >:3

      Big difference x3 So it will take some time. But I got a sort of drive, so I have some muse xD

      Make sense?

    4. Calrex


      Yeah XD. Best of luck!

  13. I wonder what people think my real name is...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mayuri
    3. Kiru



    4. Hasai


      "Barbie" That's my favorite one x3

      I get asked if I am barbie a lot xD

  14. No Sleep :c Still to much to do

    1. Kiru


      sleep is for the weak.

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