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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. Flash sale at my shop for those about to fight Mothra. Any perfects I craft between now and the end of the start of the boss fight will go to you. Submit orders now while you can. First come, first serve. For now, no order can be more than two items per person unless ordering for an entire guild.

  2. Will heal for Tier 2 Mats! ;A;
    Desperate Alchemist is Desperate...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Piera


      I have 0 Tier 2 mats xD

      I'm definitely up to do a mat gathering thread, gotta head to work now tho, but later tonight!

    3. Macradon


      I'm back down to 0 T2 Mats, I just gave all mine to you, now make my stuff.

    4. Piera


      Yessir! *salutes sharply*

  3. Good xD Took long enough to find her. Piera is me after all, she needs ta look like me u.u Gotta admit I look a lil different now though. Longer hair n different glasses. But like the current FC too much to change it.
  4. Damn, y'all are way too good looking o.o Da heck are you doing on here?? xD old pic of me an one of the few that I don't look terrible in.
  5. Healer for hire! Will heal and tag along for Mats! T~T

    1. Grave


      Oh my god Piera, hi! It's been so long!

    2. Piera


      Graaaaave! Too long.

      And don't let Baldur run you away! ;A;  I came back and there were far too few people I knew around/alive anymore!

    3. Grave


      Haha, I won't... two more people and I might >.> But yeah, a lot of the familiar faces have disappeared :/

  6. Have a variety of rolls in my alchemy shop that I haven't made into potions/crystals just yet. Give a message/reply if you'd like to call dibs or put in an order.

  7. Piera


    Happy Birthday sweetie~ Love you!

    1. Opal


      Happy Birthday Lee!!! I hope Piera is showing you a good time! rarw~ !!

  8. Guess who's a <<Griffin Tamer>>?  *points thumbs at self* This gal!
    Now just gotta finish the thread, choose my buff an get it approved! ^3^

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Calrex


      That'd be awesome and fun! XD

      Also @Oikawa Roc's actually at the floor boss fight, but if course he's just a regular sized peregrine falcon, so he can't really help much other than giving me an accuracy bonus XD

    3. Zandra


      *On the school bus, in an hour from now -.-*

      Zandra dosent attack Rohk for more then her support role, but also since she cant make herself attacking eagles, she loves them. But Zita waiting outside, ready to help me find treasures after the battle :)

    4. Jomei


      *takes his sweet time replying*

  9. Piera

    Cross Syndrome Raffle


    I'm good, Piera wouldn't wana permanently change gender. Good luck everyone else~
  10. Piera

    *cackles gleefully*  How do you like being sparkly & pretty Opal~?

    1. Opal


      I was sparkly and pretty to begin with. >.>;; @Mack will get his soon enough, one day...very soon. 

    2. Piera


      Don't hesitate to come to me for retribution supplies~ ^3^

  11. Opal

    Your PM box is full? Cant send you a message. ;_; 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Piera


      Gah! I didn't even know, lemme see if I can fix that...

    3. Opal
    4. Piera


      My Skype is Piera_Jade if that helps, but I've cleared out a few messages so you should be good to PM now!  ^^

  12. Season's Greetings SAO! Attempting to return from my prolonged hiatus. Originally I could blame recovering from a car crash (wrist got messed up)....but the past few weeks I fully blame Fallout 4, I'm sorry >.>;; Tried to get on Skype but you guys have messaged so much, it crashes every time I try and open it!!

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Daeron


      This used to be my old faceclaim: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/54/08/e2/5408e26aebb61b01b9fd42daa00e4318.jpg


      If you can tell me what anime that is from, or what his name is I'd be eternally thankful.

    3. Piera


      ehhh....honestly kinda looks generic xD unless you have another pic to go off of, I've no clue.

    4. Helios


      Archer is 10x better though

  13. I'm back! Sorry for the absence, recovering after a car accident and now figuring out how to get back into the swing of things. Apologies to all those I'm RPing with and customers waiting on orders! >.<;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teayre


      Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *huggles*

    3. Calrex


      Geezes! Hope you're alright! Feel free to take your time, IRL comes first O_O

    4. Ssendom


      I was wondering where Piera went. Checked her site today (11/10/2015 4:55 AM my time) since i wanted my crystals.

      Then I found this. I am sorry you were in a car accident, put the site on hold and focus on yourself girlie. SAO-RPG members worry about your health more than your posts. Hope you recover quick and well. <3

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