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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

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    2. Carambit


      A very interesting thought though... That would be pretty amazing for technology to allow for that sort of thing... Like if someone's spinal cord was damaged resulting in the person becoming a parapalegic, but the brain still has what it takes to move said legs...

      Same goes for loss of limbs, what if someone lost an arm but then through full dive was able to play with that arm back... Incredible possibilities for such technology...

    3. Lowenthal


      It does work, and it's completely cannon. In SAO2, the TT^TT saga. A girl with a terminal illness, to the point where she has to live in a machine is fighting Kirito and winning.

    4. Carambit


      Oh wow... I haven't seen the GGO anime all the way through. I only ever get like 6 episodes in and then have to go do stuff. Happens every time I watch it haha...

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