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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. Just came home from grocery shopping only to find that that our fridge died, busy cleaning up the mess and cooking what we can't save. Should be on later tonight to post once I get it all taken care of @_@;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutiru


      Your very welcome! Sometimes just a kind word can change total disaster, into something to laugh at!  I also look forward to RPing with you as well. *smiles warmly at you*

    3. Piera


      Right you are mister Dragon Age.
      And to any possibly reading this, I'm sorry but my posts are getting delayed until tomorrow due to above said incident ruining all of today's plans. Sorry for the inconvenience, i'll post ASAP tomorw

    4. Sutiru


      LOL! Well done!
      You spotted where my Avatar is from! Btw: that is me in that Avi, I like to try to make as close as I can on at least 1 character with each new game!

      I have all 3 Dragon Age games and most of the DLC. As well as all the Collector Edition books for said games! I just need to get a new video card for the 3rd game, as mine is a bit dated!

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