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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. This may or may not have already been answered but I was wondering, is there pain in SAO RPG? On the Sword Art Online canon wikia, it says that there is no pain in SAO, only tingling sensations. But I was wondering if that holds true for this SAO, as things don't follow all of the canons 100% of the time. Just something I'd like to know for RP purposes.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kalesh


      Kirito could feel pain in ALO using a nervegear. It has the capacity.

    3. Hirru


      Anyway, since we're going for as canon as possible in RPG, I'd say...

      Go with your logic!

      There is nothing really saying that you may or may not be feeling things.  There is the placebo effect.  You may have learned over time to treat that tingle as something more.  Now, that cut went from tingle to burning feeling.

      It's all in your mind!

    4. Jomei


      Id say no, since its canon. 
      However, I see it like when you bump into something and say ow.. but realize it doesn't actually hurt. Its all in your mind. So when you say you get stabbed and you go "oof!" or grunt 'in pain' .. its just your mind reacting how it would in the real world.

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