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Everything posted by Piera

  1. Piera stepped into the warm shop out from the cold of the fourth floor. She wasn't surprised that she had missed the tailor as it was outside the safe zone, but was glad for Lowenthal's recommendation. The news of Zelrius' party was rather sudden but she wanted to make sure she was properly dressed and her guild leader was booked up. He had given her the contact information of another tailor he was acquainted with and she had messaged the woman and put in an order before quickly getting a response back that her order was ready. Looking around the shop, the first thing she noticed was a white l
  2. Is there an Artisan around that I can get to make me a perfect Combat Craft enhanced Lucky Charm? :o

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Piera


      Gah I can't wait to Grandmaster that... (loves being support)

      And thanks for the recommendation Zandra, I will!

    3. Zelrius


      Do you know who the First Artisan was? Hello. xD

    4. Piera


      Oh? *goes in search of shop* 

      ...do you even craft bruh? *expected you to be grandmaster at least*

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  3. Don't forget to visit Piera's Potent Potions for all of your alchemic RP fluff needs!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hirru
    3. Piera


      xD Hey, I'm not responsible for what my customers do with said product after they buy them! An come back Beor! You know you wana buy some prank potions too~!

    4. Beoreson


      As much as I would OOC, Beoreson can't lie....

      Hirri just so, you know the iron blade always had beer.

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  4. Had a lovely day of crafting, starting to get closer to filling out the orders for the boss raid. But tired as all mess now, gotta turn in. Will post to all as soon as I am able tomorrow. G'night SAO~

    1. Opal


      Have sweet dreams~

    2. Kalesh


      Good night, sleepy face! Good luck with those final crafts!

    3. Zelrius


      I am an Impatient person. I keed, You can push mine back if need be, The boss battle isn't for a little bit.

  5. Holy crud I'm actually caught up on all my posts for once. Guess I can fix my SAO sig and make my ALO one too now~

    1. Lowenthal


      Don't work yourself too hard ^-^

    2. Piera


      Do I detect a hint of sarcasm with that emote? >3>

    3. Lowenthal
  6. Just came home from grocery shopping only to find that that our fridge died, busy cleaning up the mess and cooking what we can't save. Should be on later tonight to post once I get it all taken care of @_@;

    1. Sutiru


      Your very welcome! Sometimes just a kind word can change total disaster, into something to laugh at!  I also look forward to RPing with you as well. *smiles warmly at you*

    2. Piera


      Right you are mister Dragon Age.
      And to any possibly reading this, I'm sorry but my posts are getting delayed until tomorrow due to above said incident ruining all of today's plans. Sorry for the inconvenience, i'll post ASAP tomorw

    3. Sutiru


      LOL! Well done!
      You spotted where my Avatar is from! Btw: that is me in that Avi, I like to try to make as close as I can on at least 1 character with each new game!

      I have all 3 Dragon Age games and most of the DLC. As well as all the Collector Edition books for said games! I just need to get a new video card for the 3rd game, as mine is a bit dated!

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  7. Got to see a rainbow and play with a kitten all day. Today was good. An this song is mah jam~

    1. Kitty


      <3 Kitties. Are. The. Cutest :3 

  8. Not feeling well, might not post tonight sorry to ppl I'm RPing with. 

    1. Kalesh


      S'all good! Hope the it passes quickly for you!

    2. Carambit


      Oh no D: I hope you get well soon!

    3. Jomei


      Deal with it *sunglasses appear*

      Feel better!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. I've posted in thirteen separate threads (that haven't been wiped/deleted) and only four of them are completed @_@;
    The rest are still "in progress" xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kalesh


      Yeaaaah, personally however the reason I came here was to RP with others so I only solo when I have nothing better to do or to gather materials. Otherwise I could just write this stuff up in a word document and nobody would know the difference.

      Speaking of, I could theoretically just do that and then rapidly copy and paste. Hm.

    3. Aetharan


      The problem for me, at least so far, is that the character himself is socially awkward enough as it is.  He can't make himself try to make friends if he feels like he's going to be a burden to them.  At some point, I'm going to slow down as he starts to interact with people, but that's not going to be until he can actually contribute.

    4. Takao


      solo game is best game.

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  10. You've gotten to level ten in four days sir. I feel like you deserve a gold star or a cookie or at least a certificate or something. Good job o.o *claps*  Yer gonna be fighting that level 11 boss in no time, huh? xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aetharan


      I think I'm technically stuck until I can get a mod to lock the last one, or I'd suggest that Aeth needs to sit down and have a drink or seventy with somebody before he goes back to soloing.  xD

    3. Takao


      I don't usually read too many other roleplays unless I'm involved in them, but you made me all curious too. now i also must commence the thread stalking

    4. Aetharan


      Commentary on how I can make the writing style more entertaining would be appreciated, while you guys are stalking.  If he's going to be the next mayor of the loony bin, I can at least strive to make the citizenry chuckle.

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  11. *Reads entire SAO-RPG Character Meme thread*
    *has laughter induced asthma attack*
    Yer killin me ppl, stahp! xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beoreson


      Not my fault my character was depressed when the one person he had a sit down talk with died.

    3. Opal


      Now he's going out drinking with Opal. This does not bode well. 

    4. Beoreson


      Day time drinking!

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  12. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Carambit


      Such an interesting concept... Cool to see everyone's opinion on the matter.

    3. Hirru


      Piera, if you need a quick reference on a character that currently is using said method, look at Hirru.  There's a reason that he was "critical condition" after the crash.

    4. Piera


      Ahhh okay, thanks guys! And yeah Carambit, I feel the same, hehe.

      I recently started watching Gangsta so it made me really curious xD
      Now you've peaked my interest Hirru. *goes to stalk your profile*

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  13. Mats mats, MY KINGDOM FOR SOME MATS!  *grovels before RNGesus*

    1. Show previous comments  54 more
    2. Piera


      I'm flattered at the invitation and would honestly like to join, but I'm barely keeping up with my current RPs as it is @_@; Thank you though.

    3. Carambit


      No worries :) If you ever change your mind just shoot me a PM and I'll work something out ;)

    4. Piera


      Thanks~ C:

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  14. Mack and Bjorn need to start up Aincrad's Liberation Force («The Army»)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mack


      There would be no running into a boss room without scouting it first, for starters. :)

    3. Hirru


      Hopefully, no one trying to throw the leader into an unknown dungeon with a level 96 boss type mob.

    4. Beoreson


      But, Mack I have to pull a LT.Dan.

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  15. My sleeping schedule is so fricked up. Started an open thread cuz raisins.

  16. I have my very first customer! :D

    1. Piera


      Set up shop four days ago.

    2. Vasth


      :| so it takes time for them to come

    3. Piera


      Four days is nothing. Now four WEEKS on the other hand....

      I'm just happy to have anyone come to my shop, especially a player that I don't even know ^^;

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  17. Curse you 2 craft a day limit! *shakes fist* At least RNGsus has been kind to me so far u.u;

    1. Thorrissia


      :o A business rival! *burns the place down* MuHAHAHAHHAHAHHAa

    2. Piera


      Dandelions! ASSEMBLE! * 3 * They shall protect me!

      I welcome the challenge though~ Perhaps we can compete over material gathering areas!

  18. AC is broken. Pretty sure I'm gonna die.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Piera


      IT'S AC MUTINY! We must gather our forces! Klick you join as well!

    3. Klick


      we should make a monster that breaks ac's in a pp thread and kill it.

    4. Emblem


      poor poor Piera

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  19. Gotta think of a cool punny name for my Alchemist shop =3=;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Piera


      O.O *claps at Teayre's Lowenthal combo* Bravo. Though maybe not the 'putrid' part xD

    3. Lowenthal


      xD Much Better

    4. Piera


      I think I might actually call it "Piera's Potent Potions". Thanks guys! ^3^

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  20. Is anyone else a two-handed spear user?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Piera


      L-Lol...I'm not so sure Kiru xD

    3. Kiru
    4. Lowenthal


      Daggers are spears, without the stick

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  21. Anko (the snake) is mah baby~ x3 I adore her. And woot woot for glasses girls! You look like a cootie-patootie, I really love your hair, it looks so thick and luxurious *__*
  22. Okay, I'm not saying I'm ugly or anything........but have you looked in a mirror Cho!?!?! You're so adorable you look like you could be on the Disney channel! As a main character. You go girl. Props to your bestie too~
  23. You all look poppin'-lockin' fresh! Is there no NORMAL people?? Jeez stop loafing around a forum and get back to your modeling careers... Meanwhile in Nerdville, McGeekton:
  24. Are there any actual PK characters? o.o I know Koson and Zelrius and Mari are....but who do you guys kill?? >.>; *is afraid for character*

  25. Y'all need to stop the h8, Sakuri is my m8 and it is f8 that we go to our est8 with our children N8 and K8 and celebr8 when we watch them gradu8. Isn't that gr8? :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Piera


      You tell 'em m8!

    3. Sakuri sashiti

      Sakuri sashiti

      How can you even update your status this fast. *is impressed*

    4. Sakuri sashiti

      Sakuri sashiti

      That is sure a way to show that you DEDIC8....ed.

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