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About Lee

  • Title
    The Tungsten Boar
  • Birthday 04/07/1990

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  • Interests
    Leveling Up Skills; Getting Rare Drops; Admiration; Soda

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  1. Things. I want to do them. Preferably with people. On the site. In topics. Made by people. People being myself or someone else. Takers? Leavers?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lee


      @Calrex Yes. Very much so. That is some long overdue kinda thread having right there. Whom should make the thread and what shall it entail. I can not rightly recall if we started one or not....
      @Ruby You might be down, but can you also be omnidirectional when the need arises? So, what kinda topic shall be made?

    3. Ruby


      anythin you want :)

    4. Calrex


      I think we were gonna start building to the plotline in our that with Piera and Jomei, but we can start up another one if need be.

  2. House Name: The Winstad Manor Location: Floor 3 ; Outer Mountain Edge Description: The large mountains that lay on the outer ring of the third floor with their sheer scale vertically. Though, there is a path between two cliffs that lead to a well cut pathway that will head to a mansion against the opposing cliff side, a slow moving river flows yards away from the massive building. Plot Size: Estate Room(s): 6/6 | 6/15 First Floor Entryway : Hallway's : Living Room : 2 Player Limit. "Relaxed" - Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and energy regen by 1 when out of combat.
  3. Is it bad to feel bad about wonderin if I should feel bad about showing up after who knows how long for no reason that would seem justifiable?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeke


      Jason Bourne, it's Jesus Christ!

    3. Lessa


      I'm wondering the same thing myself!

    4. Lee



  4. Anyone want to do the 'First Few Lessons Are Free' Mission with me? The last person bailed out and I ain't seen em in a month...So, anyone who hasn't done it wanna take a swing at it?

    1. Nocturn


      I'm game, and in need of some sexi SP

    2. Lee


      And this should surely give it.

  5. I am looking for someone who is of the appropriate level 14 or lower to accompany me on the 'The First Few Lessons Are Free' quest(s). I hate solo quests and am trying my darndest to NOT do it.

  6. Ah, do you smell that?
    That updated Profile Smell?
    It smells glorious.

    1. Calrex


      *drops talcum powder bomb* :P

    2. Baldur


      It looks pretty!

    3. Macradon
  7. So, I need a friend.

    Elaborating a bit more on that.
    I was thinking that I need a friend that Lee would have had in the real world and did not know they were also playing the death game as I think it would be interesting. Somehow. Someway. Any takers/any similar ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lee


      @Baldur If anything, we could work something out that they knew one another and kept in touch through games/ other means. PM'ed
      @Hikoru That is definitely something to look into. Would be an interesting to look into and could work well. Also a Personal Message sent.

    3. Macradon


      PM me and we'll see what we can do!

      It'll probably be a stretch, but let's try this!

    4. Calrex


      PM me too! XD Calrex doesn't have anyone he knows from real life in game

  8. Anyone want to join me in the quest 'The First Few Lessons are Free'?

    1. Aoda


      Shoot me a message when you get to the third quest in that questline and I'll be down.

  9. Any late nighter's out there wishin for a late night RP partner?

    1. Stryder


      I wouldn't mind one.

    2. Nocturn


      Swet holy hell, I missed LEE!!?@?

  10. So, being back is a thing and being back comes with a few things.
    One, meeting all the new people that have come round.
    Two, seeing what people I once knew(which-isnt-many-from-the-looks-of-things)
    Three, trying to become more of an active person round these parts n whatnot.
    I hope to see many of you around and RP in plentiful amounts!

    1. Hirru


      Hope to get you up to speed then.

      Welcome back, and enjoy the ride once more.

  11. And with the tread done, I think that I can finally let myself start RolePlaying again without ruining my train of thought.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baldur


      Look forward to reading some of your threads Lee! I've heard good things about you.

      Also @Mack I freaking love that Hamster :)

    3. Lycan


      *Suplexes thought train*

    4. Helios


      leE. Let's start a tread.

  12. Oikawa

    Happy Birthday Scrub!

    1. Lee


      The love, I can totes feel it

    2. Ratatosk


      You loser! Happy birthday!

  13. Piera


    Happy Birthday sweetie~ Love you!

    1. Opal


      Happy Birthday Lee!!! I hope Piera is showing you a good time! rarw~ !!

  14. I actually, in all honesty do not have a problem with the majority of characters that have Unique Skills as, in the anime and in pretty much anything, game or otherwise, you have to be strong in order to get something special and all the people that have unique skills fit that bill. NOW, the problem is the skills themselves. They are supposed to give you an edge, not a full blown hack to the system. Take a look at the anime and the two main unique skills it brings up. Duel Wielding and Divine Blade. You get an extra sword with one and you get to attack with a shield(basically). I hear that th
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