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About hikiri.mihojo

  • Birthday 11/19/1998

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    i love sao and naruto and well anime.

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  1. I started rping on the first floor if any one wants to join :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beatbox


      I know but you don't do it on the actual description on how people got in and there reaction to the death games, and the description of the town.

    3. hikiri.mihojo


      Huh? Ya know what rping just is not cut out for me i have tryed a different site a wile ago and well i failed there to so i guess its not my path to follow but as mom says friends are the family you meet along the way thanks every one you too beatbox i am greatfull for you kindness.

    4. Golden


      Wait so ur leaving already...?

  2. I got accepted!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Golden


      When're u gonna start RP?

    3. Kiru



    4. Cho


      congratulations, I cannot wait to meet your character :)

  3. I finished it i finished my journal! And i did it correctly (now watch there be something else wrong lol)

  4. Pie pie mathematical pie 3.14 (insert rest here) i li,e pie! Lolololol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Golden


      Jk, I don't know all that. I only know like the first 20 digits because my old teacher used to force us to memorize the first 20 digits of pi for extra credit lol. The rest was from a thing called the internet.

    3. Golden


      btw, it's taking a long time for them to approve of your journal...

    4. hikiri.mihojo


      I know its anoying but eh i dont mind waiting lol me and beatbox are chating lol and Internet is a robot and robots kiss othe3 robots shinny metal...nevermind lololol

  5. So i might have i crush on a boy can any one give me advice so my face will stop transforming into a strawberry?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lessa


      Unfortunately, there's no sure answer to this sort of thing! Try getting to know him better on a friends-only basis. You'll feel more comfortable around him after that. Good luck, and feel free to message me if you want to chat!

    3. hikiri.mihojo


      Ok! Thanks but... its not going to work out after all because he dont want a relationship right now.

    4. Yami


      Give him pizza!

  6. Now class raise your hand if you are compleatly random and want a train with kittys on it lol

    1. hikiri.mihojo


      WhaT no takers?

  7. Ahhhhhhh cat in face cat in face!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hikiri.mihojo


      Huh whos that?

    3. Golden


      No one important.

    4. hikiri.mihojo


      Oh no you said it now i want to know! Lmao

  8. Eh i need my journal approved can any one chit chat with me while i wait?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. hikiri.mihojo


      Oh nice to meet you *slaps face* #idiot lol

    3. Hikoru


      *chuckles lightly* yeah.... also, i just emptied my inbox. you can message me now ^-^

    4. hikiri.mihojo
  9. Profile » Username:hikiri » Real name:myia » Age:16 » Gender:female » Height:6.1 About: History/personality Hikiri is a high school girl who was always diferent and was always a out sider she has no friends and has no family she lives with her older brother. She has red hair and blue eyes. She is skinny because she refuses to eat alot because she is alergic to a lot of things. She loves the color black. When hikiri was little she played videogames at her grandparents house, but they were not the greatest of grandparents. Soon after the cops shown up and arested them for killin
  10. I really am bored lol some one want ta chat lol

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