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  1. I leave for a bit, and not only has my level dropped from 7 to 2, almost all of my posts are gone.  What is a girl to do? However, I do like how I can change my display name.

    1. Takao


      The changes to the site did some hardcore borking on levels. A few people lost posts, other people jumped 5-10 levels. I think they're trying to fix it now, but I dunno what the outcome will be.

  2. Mercy

    Kasai's Journal

    Profile » Username: Kasai » Real name: Gassei SentÅki » Age: 19 » Gender: Female » Height: 5' 6" About: History SentÅki was always silent, and never known about, when she was born, she never cried. Her mother quickly forgot about her, when the twins were born. She stayed silent. and watched from afar, when her sister died, Youno, the twin was forced to do everything, upon being blamed. She protected her sister, and watching her get beaten if she did something wrong, hardened her from the world. Finally, Youno ran away, and SentÅki followed her, when Youno went upon a farm, and was ad
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