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About Thorne

  • Birthday 05/28/1999

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  • Location
    Alton, Hampshire
  • Interests
    Gaming, films, books, and anything but sport and reality TV.

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  1. 'sup again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thorrissia


      You should have said game of Thornes. That would have been an excellent pun. 

      I'm sorry I'm being a bum to you today aren't I? Love u really. 

    3. Thorne


      Puns are a Thorne in my side.

    4. Thorrissia


      HAHAHAHHAHAaahahaaa that's better. I'm so proud of you. We may make a comedian out of you yet my young padawan 

  2. I've just recently finished my form.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Thorrissia


      *huggles* Yesss, thank you. Be nice to Thorne he is a frail nerd. 

    3. Thorne


      Hay I'm not that frail...

    4. Thorrissia


      You're pretty frail :p

  3. Profile » Username: Thorne » Real name: Pavel Sachrichetz » Age: 19 » Gender: Male » Height: 6ft 2 About: History/personality Thorne was born in Juneau in Alaska, and lived there for most of his life, until he moved to England at the age of 16. He struggled in social aspects at school, and was constantly bullied at school in the early days. However, he grew quite a reputation when his rage allowed him to fight back, and win under exceptional circumstances. This also got him expelled on many occasions, but meant that after just a few days, the bullies left him well alone. He is haunted by
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