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About Beatbox

  • Birthday January 30

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Celestial Ascendants
  • Position
    The King of Buttercups

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In Your Hopes and Dreams
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  1. IS THAT @Emblem?!

    1. Morgenstern


      Speaking of which, Happy Birthday Emblem!

  2. To those interested, I have a open position to whomever would like to work as a PST.

    Only Requirements:

    - Must be active for at least 2 months

    - Must have discord

    - Must know rules and friendly towards others.

    Message Shark an application if you are interested!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beatbox


      in staff we argue all the time what you talkin

    3. Hirru


      You have a very compelling argument

      And sometimes I feel like I should be joining staff with my constant badgering

    4. Aereth


      @Hirru Do it. Do it now. xD

  3. Beatbox

    Fiora's Journal

    Approved. Welcome to Aincrad. @Fiora you have my apologies.
  4. where the hell did you get a bacon outfit
  5. Approved my dude, nice to have ya back online. Welcome back to Aincrad. BTW: @Killia Rebirth will give you have rounded down, meaning if Lycan died with 29 SP, ya got 14 SP. :P
  6. All future monthly bosses are postponed until further notice. Do not attempt if finding them until notice.

  7. Couple of Things:

    1. You may now contact Aereth for Approvals if needed if no PSTs or myself are active while he is on.

    2. I will get to posting soon. I promise.

    3. Soon...

  8. Approved, welcome to the SAO RPG!
  9. Approved, btw never be sorry for having a brick of a backstory. It's nice to read upon your characters backstory and get to know them outside flaws and virtues.
  10. Beatbox

    Yuukis Journal

    Pending, check your PM's in just a moment.
  11. Well... out of popular demand in Beatbox's own mind... he decided that it was time to bring back the Star of Aincrad look and potentially be the Star of Aincrad once more. He had walked over to Aereth's store once more to place quite a bit of orders, the Star of Aincrad outfit, his old "Bad Boy" outfit that's going to be renamed to "Redemption" and a newer version of the armor he has on currently. He had taken a deep breath as he entered the store to what would be his newest guild member whenever he would start the guild entirely and stated to him "Yo. I am in need of new equipment stuff, I go
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