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About Jevi

  • Birthday 09/02/1993

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  1. "Hey, I get it. You're protective of your sister. Won't get any judgement from me." Jevi would shrug, swirling the glass with a flick of the wrist before raising it to her lips once more. "Eh, I was never blessed with a sibling. A one and done kid" A more accurate statement than she'd like to admit. "So never really had someone to form that bond with." A longing breath, carrying with it the burning scent of tequila, escaped into the air before her. "Would've been nice, if I'm being honest." Jevi watched as the sister in question, with man in tow, approached from behind Gale's shoulder. M
  2. "Just slap them on at the start of the day, mix and match when you feel like it." A slow nod of her head accompanied smirk. She admired the dedication to her real world skin art. "Neat. I will definitely be checking out that shop when I get the chance. Was considering one in the outside the game, before this shit hit the fan." The reminder that constantly slapped them in the face, she needed a drink just thinking about it. Which made it even worse when she was reminded the alcohol won't do anything. Definitely one of the worst parts about this place. "Dunno what I want yet, but if they look ha
  3. Picking her chin up from her drink, she met the emerald gaze of one of the twins as they approached from the other side of the bar, a fading sense of disgust melting off of her face. Guess Mr.Blonde wasn't scoring twins after all. A soft exhale of a chuckle shot out her nostrils. Supposedly the platinum haired woman decided that Jevi was worthy enough to be her next drinking partner. Gesturing an open palm towards the patron-less stool beside her, she offered a crack of a smile up the newcomer "Sure, why not." Looking past the woman as she sat down beside her, she locked in on the progr
  4. With a tap on the bar behind her shoulder, Jevi turned to see the bartender had placed her drink down. Their eyes focused on the far end of the bar for a moment, brows lowering as the corners of their lips pulled into a frown. Some other patron must have gotten on their bad side. Not her business. Shifting her seat around once more, her elbows would come to rest on the slick counter top, facing away from some of the rowdy clientele, and towards the wall lined with dull-colored liquor bottles. The brown lager that floated atop her drink slowly sank down into the clear tequila. Giving the glass
  5. The interior of the bar reeked of strong alcohol, incense from outside, and burned medicinal herbs inside. The aromatic cacophony forced her nose to twinge unconsciously, though it only took a few moments for her to drown it out and become accustomed to it. She could feel various eyes from about the bar looking in her direction, for what reasons she could use her imagination to figure it out. Paying them absolutely no mind, she hardened her expression and allowed the muscles around her lips to relax. Social interaction was probably inevitable coming to a place like this, she just hoped she co
  6. Thump, thump The bite of the cold air creeped in through the tall, paneless windows of the old mountainside temple. Normally kept warm by the heat of the forge, the coals had gone cold from lack of use. Its smithy focused on other things. Thump, thu-Thump Wooden doors that led out to a path up the side of the cliff were shut, a small plank with the word CLOSED hung just under the establishment's sign, Amorous Armors and Armaments. Thump - THWACK The brunette's shin crashed into the large, burlap sack that suspended from the ceiling via a strong chain with a resounding
  7. Jevi

    Jevi's Junk

    Name: Silence Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 6 Roll ID: 222866 Roll Result: 11(+1) Item Type: Sabre Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Bleed I | Keen II Post Link: Description: A basic amateur's sabre, similar in design to a thin hand and a half sword. Contains a pink wrap along the handle. Name: Suppression Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 6 Roll ID: 222868 Roll Result: 12(+1) Item Type: Light Armour Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Mitigation I | Recovery II Post Link: Description: A basic amateur's chestplate. The metal of this particular piece c
  8. Maybe a good night's rest was all she needed. She carried herself from her bedroom that overlooked the mountainside from a large window carved out of the stone surface. Crossing the distance to her workshop on the bottom most part of her home, she would remove the black, longsleeved sweater she had slept in, leaving her in her baggy, gray pants and a wrap around her chest. It took awhile.. most of her crafting attempts for the day. Still pumping out creations, just not of the quality she needed. Why did they even have Rare and Uncommon items anyway? There was nothing stopping players fro
  9. Jevi would let out a long sigh as she let her head drop. Of course nothing she had crafted had met the requirements of Nymoria's equipment. "Why does this always happen.." she groaned, before tossing the crafted items into her reject box and summoning another handful of materials. "Maybe if I just focus on either the armor or the weapon, then maybe.. just maybe." Well, that didn't really work either. If only she was actually responsible about her crafts. "Maybe I should go get some potions and shit to help me out with this.. since I'm going to have to get out and get more materials at th
  10. Jevi sat atop her workbench, legs dangling with small, alternating kicks. Her focus on the semi opaque menu in front of her. She was in the process of transferring any materials she had in her own inventory a storage crate beside her work station. She could only imagine how tiring it would be to have to physically carry and transfer all of these pieces of ore and metals. It was not until she had finished her sorting that she finally looked up, spotting the timid looking girl standing there ever so patiently. "Oh, my bad, didn't see you. You were so quiet." In almost an instant, the
  11. Nari had to step in to help her out, pointing out a hiding space that could suit her size and stature. She could not help but feel embarrassed, grumbling something to herself under her breath. A piece of the cavern floor that was upturned, creating somewhat of a shelf just off the side of the beaten path. Beside it, a stalagmite that assisted in providing even more cover. She could only hope that the Dragon Knights weren't carrying any torches, or at least didn't look too hard in her direction. It was a bit of a tight spot, definitely not going to be comfortable. But with the imposing sound of
  12. Nari was pretty quick to come back, and was obviously worlds more efficient with digging up the mushrooms and replanting them. Either way, the scene was set - or so they could hope, with what little they could see - and all that was left was to hide and make sure that the Dragon Knights took the bait. This was the first time Jevi had taken a quest like this.. where they weren't simply fighting monsters or fetching something to bring back to the quest giver. This took actual skill and cunning, and put the livelihood of Charko on the line. Feeling nervous was an understatement. She rubbed her pa
  13. "Got it" Jevi responded with a confident nod. Carefully stepping over the fallen arms and equipment, and being careful not to slip on any of the fallen stones, she followed the path back towards the waterfall once again. The trip was much more difficult, given the lack of light from behind her. Luckily, there was a couple of torches set up at the upcoming fork - and even more close to the perimeter of the crystal pool. Despite the crashing of water masking each of her steps, she still took caution with moving, lowering her body to become a smaller, less easily seen target. For all she knew, th
  14. A short jog back towards the waterfall, and just where the tunnel forked off into another direction, pointed, wooden slats of wood pointed in the direction of Charko and Tomoika. A couple of attempts to push and pull to dislodge the sign post, the marker eventually came undone. Discarding to post into a small, dark crevice in the tunnel wall, she hurridly made her way back to where Nari was hiding the trace of Charko. Suddenly, with the light of the last torch being snuffed out, almost complete darkness overtook them. "Woah. Alright, I'll be careful." Golden eyes blinked a couple of time
  15. "So the plan...essentially...is to redirect them?" The woman looked ahead them, eyes tracing the path that would lead them to Charko. She then followed suit, turning a chin over her shoulder and looking back the way they had came. It was a narrow tunnel that they really would not have found, if not for torches and rock formations revealing the path to them. Ureka gave them a couple of suggestions to hide their path. "There's some old broken pickaxes that we can place near the entrance to the tunnel.. Add in some of the rocks from the cairn, and they might think its just an old mining tunn
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