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About Hirru

  • Title
    Jade Hunter
  • Birthday 09/01/1991

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    Solo Player
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    Vice Commander

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  1. Warning:  This is only a Suggestion!

    So.. that ALO Conquest Mode..

    Still working on some kinks in my idea.. but that's what I got so far.

    Looking for some critiques and questions while I'm awake.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vargas


      Ok. What about the attack chances? Also why the differences in Officer attack and army attack? Why not do it as a whole since you did Opal as a ranked player therefore her troops would be ranged.

    3. Hirru


      There is a reason for that:

      Officers and Armies attack using their respective Dice (Officers using BD; Army using MD).  That gives two (2) respective chances to cause damage to the enemies Morale.  (As we all know, the dice like to miss)

      Attack chance is again, the luck of the dice and their respective stats.  Officers can use their respective enhancements to their advantage, but can still miss due to the other officers enhancements.  Armies don't have that as they use the MD (I'm thinking of having the racial bonuses improve the Army with the four main stats DMG, MIT, ACC, EVA, which would mitigate their use of the MD.)

    4. Zelrius


      While I like it and it is fairly good: 'Morale' Over-complicates an already fairly complex system

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